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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. I looked at the page yesterday and it no longer says that "this item will be in stock...." on the bottom of the page. So I am thinking that they got their shipment in. Then again....if you have not gotten your payment request or payment taken out yet...maybe he has not gotten the shipment in yet.
  2. That's one of my favorite things about the v.2 1/60...how the arms are held up in fighter mode. You can do that with a 1/48....just not as well and it is harder to perform. I also thought about getting a couple of 1As to repaint but I believe that they will come out with Max and Kakizaki versions. I will be dropping the extra dough for sure if they do come out with them. I'd like to see the 0S/0A "Fighters of Roy" tribute....that would be damn sweet....make sure you take some pics!
  3. ...No you DIDN'T!?!..... .......unfortunately you are sooooooooo right. I was sitting here watching an episode of TFA and all of a sudden here comes good ol OP "rollin out" with what?!?....the back 2/3s of a fire truck.....I was like "WTF ....they better come out with that as a figure" but did they?!? Nooooooooooo........
  4. That's quite the deduction Holmes. . Really though...I didn't think of it that way. Makes me wonder if that's how it was really meant to be. Makes me wonder....if you're secretly working for YAMATO! ARE YOU!?! ANSWER ME.......AREEEEE YOOOOUUUUUU!!!???!!!
  5. See.....I tried that.....but the quotes that I selected did not appear in the window. I will try it again another time.
  6. THAT SHOT IS AWESOME!!! GREAT WORK!!! MORE MORE MORE!!! And so everyone knows.....I tried to use the quote button thing for multiple posts but I could not get it to work. I must be doing something wrong.
  7. Very true my friend....I didn't forget about that one.
  8. Cool pose! I would like to see more of the 19 and 21. There's not that many poses peeps have submitted.
  9. That is beautiful! I wish I actually had a 1D to have a box like that.
  10. QFTW!!! Sorry....but soooooo true. I will prob. get banned for this.....but it seems that they would have to ban all of us.
  11. I totally agree with you here. With the 1/48 being the size it is....it's just too "flimsy" for me to mess with too much. In which mode? I'm looking at my fighter mode but I am unsure of what you are saying. While comparing my v.2 1/60 1-S Roy with my 1/55 1A Hikaru and my 1/55 1S Super Hikaru the V.2 1/60 is fo sho darker.....but the 1/55 1A I am going to have to say is "pure" or "bright" white. Not many companies made many valks that bright.
  12. Ooooooooo that's me!!! I'm a SUPER-FAN!!! In answer to your question brother.....my answer is closely matched by both Miriya and Shins....it's not that I don't enjoy a Yamato valk....it's just that a Chunky has a design that was created over 25 years ago....it looks fantastic still....and is to date the MOST durable valk out there. The V.2 1/60 is the first valk to even come close to matching the Chunky in durability. That is only one of many reasons I LOVE THE CHUNKY! OO
  13. I'n not worried about him throwing me out or anything....that would be ludicrous. I will try to have more substance with my posts though. Duly noted. And if I am that annoying guy.....alot more people seem to like it then the ones who don't .
  14. I do concur with exactly as you say....but they are awesome nonetheless. And I am sane.....partially.
  15. Thank you for putting in your 2 cents. It is MUCH appreciated! If someone wants to apologize to me I will surely accept.
  16. EDIT---> too funny that Shin and I wrote pretty much the same thing at the same time. But obviously he is a faster typer. JUST SO YOU KNOW I DID NOT MEAN TO REPLY I MEANT TO EDIT AND JUST NOW NOTICED THAT IT WAS A REPLY INSTEAD! SORRY!
  17. This line is a reissue of the 2001 line which was a reissue of the 1984 (I think) line. The only difference between the 2001 line and this line for the 1J Hikaru is that this time around you will get a heatshield. And that makes getting the brand new one worth it. If you do not care about getting a heatshield then just get the 2001 release like in the eBay link.
  18. Now that is cool! I will have to try this when I get home.
  19. Thank you my fellow Ballchinians Miriya and MacrossMan for your support. OO
  20. Even though this is going to be an amazingly short post and not wanted by certain people out there. Thank you eriku for saying what you just said. It means alot to me. You are truly a good guy and fellow Ballchinian! OO
  21. That's a good shot. I really dig the angle. Not to many people take a shot of their birds from the back...but I usually throw one in there myself when I am taking pics. And you are absolutely correct.....the 1/55 chunky is a GREAT valk. and venture to say close to the best.
  22. Hmmmm....now that is a good question. I will compare it to my current 1/48 VF-1S and also to my v.2 1/60 VF-1A when I receive it from LOS. I am certain I will be able to provide an answer then.
  23. I almost fear replying to how awesome I think your pics are for I may be spamming if I do so. Oh well.....I think your pics are AWESOME!!! THANKS for sharing them!
  24. If you are trying to set an example I can see why you would post this here. I am not "spamming" the boards nor do I care what my post count is. Instead of continuing on here I am taking a more "professional" approach at this by PMing you. You should check it.
  25. I know.....I don't know why my title keeps changing.....but I like this one. Now that I said that it will probably get changed. . But on topic as well, if I am to deduce your situation it is that your itchy trigger finger is due to all the hype of this long awaited PT Valk. that is a damn nice size, weight, an all around beautiful piece of craftsman ship. The 1A I am getting as well. I will not miss out on 1 in this 1/60 line. It is just too nice of a line to pass up. I will even be selling the rest of my TFs if need be. One more thing...the idea of buying the 1A and then selling it once you get the 1D is NOT a bad idea at all. I would do it....you can sell it to me. I WILL buy it from you.
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