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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. yeah the bandai 1A is a BRIGHT white unlike any other bandai or yamato (besides maybe the Angel Bird)
  2. Yes we have mate....yes we have. Awesome poses! I love the funny a$$ pics in your gallery. THANKS for sharing!
  3. misterryno


  4. Hmmmm....I know what you mean be the "click" for his chest.....what holds it though I am unsure. Can you provide a pic of the shoulder deal you speak of so that I can check mine out laters?
  5. Heh.....I guess I have just not taken enough time to mess around with his poses. I do however think that Cybertronian OP is one of the best for posing....the pose that I have him in now is AWESOME! At least it is to me. I will mess with Jazz more later and see if he's as much as a Ninja as I am.
  6. DAMN STRAIGHT BROTHER!!! When I lived in ChiTown...we would always get a bunch of forign(spelling) DJs and they were almost always the BOMB!!!
  7. Those shelves look pretty cool brother. I can't wait to see them in action.
  8. Mmmmmmmmmmm..................BAD A$$!!! Very cool to be Dutch! Thanks for sharing. I knew you would'nt get in trouble. No harm no foul right?
  9. YEAHHHHHH BOOOYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! My BBTS order for TFA Leader Ultra Magnus is paid for and waiting to enter the warehouse. I should see it SOON! WOOT WOOT!!!
  10. VERY COOL!!! I am SUPER excited.....I wonder when laftoys is going to ship mine out. It's already paid for....the VF-1S that is.
  11. Tell me about it.....I can't even say I remember having toys at that age.....just kidding....I just don't know what they were.
  12. Sorry to hear that you are not finding anything....believe me brother...I'm not finding too much myself and I live in an actual "city" Denver....you would think that out of all the stores I visited I would find more than a Classics Onslaught. On the TFA Jazz.....I'm glad that someone finally feels the same that I do...just a normal car-former. That's all he is to me too. THANKS!
  13. Miriya, Hey...........Cool transformers.................
  14. Ummmmmm.............F*in AWESOME! Will you make me one?!?
  15. I'm not positive which is my ABSOLUTE fav. deluxe yet. I will be doing some posing soon and make my decision then. Damn...that reminds me....I have pics taken...I just need to upload them now.
  16. ..............................eeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
  17. Hey my man....there's a first for EVERYTHING! I think you are doing a WONDERFUL job and it will turn out great! You can only learn from here brother.
  18. Looking good.......I bet the next Valk. pics you take are going to be the BEST EVER!
  19. .......but really......I wanna know.
  20. I've seen LOTS of pics of Hikky with Stealth Strike Armor and until now I had not considered getting any. BUT HE LOOKS AWESOME!!! I will be getting some of that armor one day.
  21. yeah....I got one Octane.....he's alright....I will prob. be selling my classics soon. I don't like them that much. I have however been considering getting Oil Slick and some others of the TFAs even though I previously did not want to collect the whole line. I just figure...well....I'm close to having them all....might as well right? That's too bad to hear about Soundwave...cause he sure the hell looks cool. I will find out for myself here soon....1 is on the way. If you don't like yours....PM me with the price and I will buy it from ya. I could use a 2nd for alt. mode. EDIT----> I wanna say that so far....Prowl is close to being one of the best figs....the articulation is AWESOME and he looks VERY accurate. Ohhh....and Grimlock too!
  22. not...could have.... Should have... I hope Hoquette outfit is SUPER TIGHT since she is HOT HOT HOT!!!
  23. How bout this....if you can find me a TFA Soundwave I can look again for that Onslaught. Let me know.
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