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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. So we still have no explanations from the peeps with the "broken" votes. That's some bull$hit. Those people that voted prob. are just pissed off cause they are to cheap to buy one.
  2. I was just thinking about this....LOS is gonna LOVE me if I keep plugging his store. Don't forget me LOS if you wanna give me a free v.2 1/60
  3. Hell yeah brother. I could not help myself...even given my current situation....I put it a pre-order for the VF-1J Hikky and am thinking about ordering the VF-1A Hikky as well. <-----CRAZY ME!!! OO OO
  4. Once LOS received his shipment it took only 3 days for me to get mine via USPS Priority mail. I also received a delcon# with it. I paid the preorder price and with shipping the total was $149.15 USD. Not too bad if you ask me...which you are... EDIT-----> He also does one hell of a job with packing.....also I believe mine is quick cause I live in Colorado and I think LOS is in Texas.
  5. I've seen it done though. I am sure you can do it to. I don't think I'm even ballsy enough to try it though.
  6. So.....why is there 2 different threads about the same thing?
  7. I haven't yet. I hope so soon....I need a 2nd for Alt. mode.
  8. VERY COOL!!! Thanks for those!!! And I must TOTALLY agree with >EXO<....those colors on the 1S Rick/Hikaru are AWESOME!
  9. If you go for any more v.2 1/60s...I personally would suggest laftoys.com. I have had nothing but GREAT experiences with LOS!
  10. Pretty cool paint job on the FPs. Do you have any more pics of this bad boy? If so...could you post them in one of the pose topics? THANKS!
  11. WTF ATA STF Basically all the same organizations. I had a falling out with my dojo as well. Annoying is it not.
  12. Woot Woot!!! I'll get mine today. I will remove those batteries right away more than likely. Thanks for the info...I CAN'T WAIT!!!
  13. Ahhh....pull them out a bit...I will remember that! THANKS! Also...I'm glad I looked over the instructions for the backpack...I would have broken it other wise.
  14. I feel ya. But no matter what. There will ALWAYS be a debate of some kind. It just cannot happen otherwise here on the MW....unfortunatlly.
  15. I hope you find what you are looking for. It tis wonderful exercise and great at helping to relieve stress. It's like sex...but kicking a$$.
  16. IT WAS ME!!! No....not really...I have yet to vote. I will see about voting tomorrow. I still need to TF him into Battroid. So far so good though. 2...maybe even 3 thumbs up here.
  17. On my way to read it now....it looks so......so.......STEALTHY!
  18. Hey....get out from under my bed...that's my hiding spot.
  19. Hey brother...I'm begining to think that Kyp may be onto something here. After feeling how solid the new 1/60 is thus far I would venture to say that Yamato may have finally got something done right. I can't say for sure yet since I have not handled it enough. I will know soon enough...I hope. Here's a question for whomever can answer... I have looked through the instruction booklets looking for anything that may tell me anything about the leg fins that fold. I know that they are maybe for the GPB armor but I figured I may see something in the booklets. Any "new" info for this "gimmick"? OO
  20. I'm sorry drifand but VF5SS has a valid point.
  21. Good luck to you mate. I remember my first test. It was amazing and I was nervous as all hell.
  22. No one will ever master a certain skill. For there is always more to learn.
  23. Beat ya to it mate Just playin On another note... WOOT WOOT!!! Got my v.2 1/60 Super/Strike Focker today! I must say...so far...even though I have only handled it in Fighter and Gerwalk modes...it is SUPERIOR to the 1/48. Whatever was loose now is tight. It has a good weight to it. And the missiles attaching better....OOOOO LA LA!!! WOOOOO HOOOOOO!!! ALOT of pics to come in one of the pose threads. Gotta cook dinner and hang with the wifey... ...I'm only saddened by this cause I can't play with my new toy.
  24. WOOT WOOT!!! Got mine today! I must say...so far...even though I have only handled it in Fighter and Gerwalk modes...it is SUPERIOR to the 1/48. Whatever was loose now is tight. It has a good weight to it. And the missiles attaching better....OOOOO LA LA!!! WOOOOO HOOOOOO!!! ALOT of pics to come in one of the pose threads. Gotta cook dinner and hang with the wifey... ...I'm only saddened by this cause I can't play with my new toy.
  25. Guess I better revise my list real quick... 1/48 = 2 1/60 v.2 = 1
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