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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. That's what I'm here for. To help without annoyance.
  2. I went for the VF-1 Super/Strike Parts... Who wouldn't love a big a$$ cannon and super fast boosters on their back?!?
  3. If you guys hadn't seen it yet....Shin started a noob guid to the v.2 for us. LINKY!!!
  4. Well mate...you WILL enjoy it! Another thread has been started if you need some pointers on transformation for that bad boy.
  5. Here ya go guys. I've never done a "how to" vid before...so don't laugh...I know you guys are a bunch of big* jerks anyways . I hope you guys like the Foo Fighters So....without futher ado... How to get that swing bar in the slot baby!!!
  6. like broke broke? Shoot....you need to pull them out before folding. To late now. Sorry mate.
  7. Uncalled for
  8. Yes it would look cool...but it is cool nonetheless.
  9. Sweet collection....your Avatar is the BOMB!!!
  10. Cool Ride Armor collection! I like the one on the left with the bike and rider flying through the air like in the show.
  11. ... ... ...Weird...
  12. Hell yeah.....GREAT!!! Where can I buy them? EDIT----> Found them....THANKS!!!
  13. I guess it's pretty easy to explain though now that I think about it. While TFing your guy into Battroid you need to get the swing bar in there only part of the way while simutaniously moving the little cover over it and pushing the hinge part of the swing bar down into the groove on the cover. Once the hinge part is part way into the groove then you can move the swing bar the rest of the way into the nose cone while pressing the cover down. Be careful though not to apply to much pressure. It is quite a process but the results are WONDERFUL!!! Good luck.
  14. Well....I was just about to take a pic and vid of how to make it so where you connect the swingbar in battroid mode is flush but I cannot for all my rechargeable batteries for my digital camera have crapped out on me . Some are charging right now...but they are old so I think they may not even last that long anymore. I need to get new ones but why should I...they're rechargable....they should never die. Pieces of crap.
  15. you f*in KILL ME!!!
  16. She must be my womans sister. They sound just alike.
  17. Mine look straight as well. I am VERY impressed with all the tampo on this bad boy.
  18. That's cool but I sure the hell won't be buying any redecos. If someone wants to sell me a chainsaw when they get that fig that would be the bomb.
  19. so 10 broken votes and still no recent explanation.....what's that I smell??? Oh yeah...it must be BULL$HIT!!!
  20. Even though I would like to say yes...I really don't know about it holding it's own in detail. The detail on the v.2 1/60 as in panel lines and what not kind of lacks but it still looks freakin awesome!
  21. Totally serious holmes.....if you look at the instructions...it shows that it can sit flush. It's a bit of a pain but once it happens your like "ohhhhh COOL!!!" I will take some pics tonight and maybe even a video. Can y'all wait that long?
  22. Soooo.....has anyone else gotten the transformation totally right yet? I know that it took me a few to figure it out. What I am talking about is where the swing bar goes into the nose cone. The little flap that covers the swing bar....it took me a bit to get it to sit flush and not be popped out but I did it. I looked VERY closely at the instructions for I cannot read Japanese. I will finally be able to take some more pics tonight.
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