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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. I haven't even had the chance to TF him yet. But probably tonight.....YAY!!!!! MisterRyno
  2. Thanks alot....I am all too happy with this purchase.....As I said before and I will say again....I CANNOT WAIT to do some work on him to make him all my own and get a gallery of pics up for him!!! I am SOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!! MisterRyno
  3. $ I can hear your wallet deflating. MisterRyno
  4. MisterRyno
  5. Ah yes, he finally arrived yesterday and unfortunately I only had the time to take this many pics...This is my VERY FIRST 1/48 and Super/Strike Parts....I CANNOT wait to get time to customize his and take a gallery worth to put into "strike a pose". Even though many of you either own this guy or have had or have seen him before, please enjoy the pics. Not the greatest I know but little time I had . I ordered him from laftoys.com and they did an AWESOME job on packaging him. MisterRyno
  6. Doesn't this fact suck. It is REALLY to bad that they did not make a set. MisterRyno
  7. Very nice J......Very nice... MisterRyno
  8. How did you know that his idol is Ken Masters. I learned my shuryuken from playing SF so well I taught it to Pumkin. He's my BAD A** PC (pussy cat). MisterRyno
  9. Yeah TOTALLY....I need too stumble across an extra 400 bones right quick. I am soooooo sad by this MisterRyno
  10. OMG!!!! I AM SOOOOOOO HAPPY!!!!! My very 1st 1/48 and flexi stand came today via UPS from laftoys. I CANNOT WAIT TO DO SOME POSES THIS EVENING!!!! You all will see..... MisterRyno
  11. DAMN STRAIGHT they are!!! I wish I had the mula to get them.......oooooooo that would be sweet. I'd almost be willing to trade my whole list of trades for those 2. MisterRyno
  12. Swoosh, Are those the Brand new 1/48's or older 1/55's? MisterRyno
  13. Denver, Colorado Yo..... MisterRyno
  14. Right on.....I think it is because I put my pics one under another....I will try posting them next to eachother next time to see what happens. THANKS MisterRyno
  15. I went ahead and purchased a 6 incher when I purchased my 1/48....it comes tomorrow.....I am SOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!! MisterRyno
  16. Hello, Everytime I bring in a pic.....it comes out extremely large. When I see others posts, their pics are always brought down by like 93% or something like that. Can you please inform me on how to do so. Thanks, MisterRyno
  17. Oh man...I wish I would have told you this sooner. When I first came to the boards last week...I wanted to purchase a 1/48 myself. When I mentioned that someone (I wish I could remember who now) told me that a good place to go for a REALLY good price was laftoys.com (lost and found toys). I got a REALLY good price on my Max 1/48. Also for the fast pack...if you are interested in picking up another for another 1/48 at any time. I got my super/strike parts on eBay for like $50 bones new. Look to there for there are more if you want more. GOOD LUCK. MisterRyno
  18. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR HELP!!! RDClip, Yeah I was totally thinking about that last night after I posted this topic about the fast packs.....disappointing that they probably will not be redoing those Well......I will just have to stick with the good ol 1/55's and DEFINITELY the 1/48's. MisterRyno
  19. Just got around to being able to check out this whole topic................and I must say...................By God.......SSSSSWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTT Pics friend!!! MisterRyno
  20. I like that site.....what do you think about Toynami VS Bandai? I REALLY like the look of the Lancer by Toynami. MisterRyno
  21. Can anyone tell me why the 1/55 Re-Issues are sooooooo hard to find for a good price??? MisterRyno
  22. Welcome welcome....I am even more of newbie than you I believe....You can take whatever these guys say and run with it....I would have to say that they seem to know what they're talking about....I JUST purchased a 1/48...I am waiting for it to arrive either today or tomorrow I hope...I purchased a Yamato 1/60 VF-1A Cannon Fodder Brown/Tan not that long ago, and you do have too take the legs off to TF it, which is not bothersome except for the fact that it makes it seem kinda difficult to pose....but still looks pretty sweet. But since I did just purchase the 1/48 I am selling the 1/60 in the Sell/Trade Forum. It's a nice starter piece I think. Good luck with all and as Warpaint22 said......WELCOME TO THE YAMATO ADDICTION. MisterRyno
  23. Heh.....that's funny....Can you find these anymore without losing an arm or a leg? MisterRyno
  24. Hello, I was just checking out the customs galleries (for anyone who has made any customs, they sure are SWEEEEET) and I notices the "joke machine customs". What are these little guys and where can I get them? MisterRyno
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