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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. Definetly good to know.....sorry that you miss yours.
  2. ?
  3. Can't help it....it's a disease I think....I just LOVE to re post pics. LMAO....no really I think I just forget and when I realize it I'm like f*ck it till someone lets me know. So thank you to you for letting me know.
  4. YYYYEEEESSSS SIR!!! LOL I wouldn't have done it if the girl for your Avatar wasn't so hot. MisterRyno
  5. I am totally lovin these 1/55's. I have a 1A, 1J, and a 1S comin soon. I will be postin some pics in the collection topic at some point soon. Maybe I'll have to wait till I move though mid oct.
  6. Here's a couple of posers....LOL....I mean poses... MisterRyno
  7. That is all too true friend... MisterRyno
  8. I just today received my very first 1/55 Bandai Pilot H. Ichigo. I got this off a guy on TFieds for the low low low price of $68.25 shipped. It is MIB and even sealed in plastic I was very excited. I like it so much that I just sent payment to him for a VF-1A as well. Enjoy.....
  9. Here's some more pics of my 1/48 Max...
  10. Here's some more pics of my 1/48 Max...
  11. HoHoToys....I'll remember that. MisterRyno
  12. Deimos, Those FP's are BAD A**!!! How prey tell do I get those? Oh yes.....Also to All......Be on the look out for my newest item. I just received my very 1st 1/55...soooooooo sweeeeet!!! MisterRyno
  13. At least HLJ tells you that they take a while to ship....at least they kinda tell you I should say. I just don't go through them for the shipping reasons as well. MisterRyno
  14. Yeah....My bad on that.... MisterRyno
  15. Very nice...As soon as I get a collection of Macross I will display it...Your's looks GREAT. MisterRyno
  16. I must say I envy you friend. MisterRyno
  17. Right on..............thanks for writing out the instructions, I am very sorry that you took the time only for the comp. to be a piece.....I hate it when that happens. I will be watching the vid and TFing at the same time tonight I am sure.
  18. Ahhhhhhh I see.....thanks for the clarification on that.
  19. Correct wings?
  20. Heh.....I just read the review.....I think I will be happy with these 2......if too customize them or just leave them I think they will do good......IMO they are actually kinda cool looking.
  21. I'll check out that review shortly......I did get them both shipped for 40 bones. So that's good then....right on. Do you personally think they hold together and TF and pose well?
  22. Hey Everyone, I just happened to be on eBay and found an auction for these 2 1/65 Valks. Does anyone own the same 2 or know much about them, for instance are they really cheaply made? I found this site when I googled 1/65 Fire Valk. and these are the exact 2 I purchased. Fire Valk. Blazer Valk. MisterRyno
  23. Hey guys.....I am actually SUPER WORRIED about breaking something when I do TF this guy tonight...is there ANYTHING, ANYTHING AT ALL, that I should know NOT TO DO or TO DO so that I do not break him. I would have hate to have wasted the $. MisterRyno
  24. Did you see the post by Eternal D in the Wanted forum of that topic you started? MisterRyno
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