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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. Okay okay....I have not had a chance to read this thread in WHOLE but I have read most of it. First question....Are the older 1/15 and newer 1/15 Garlands models? Also for all that own them...are they really as bad a** as they seem to be. I just don't wanna go spend alot of money for a piece-o-crap. I mean these look soooooooooooo AWESOME. How is the poseablity? Do they break easy when they fall over or off a shelf? I NEED to know, for I NEED to get this guy...LOL. Ummmmmm what else.......Oh yes, where to go to buy for the BEST price? THANKS.
  2. THANKS!!!!
  3. misterryno

    Graham's Sig

    After all this....I bet you guys would sh** yourselves if it ended up being that they are going to make ALL the 1/55 reissues and Armor, Super/Strike Packs, etc. I know I would be REALLY happy. MisterRyno
  4. Hey all, I know this isn't Macross (as far as I know it isn't anyways) but I have noticed theses 1/15 Garlands and they look pretty bad a**. Is there anyone here that has one and can give me some info/advice on them? MisterRyno
  5. Strike this pose...
  6. I like to point them anyway that feels goooooooood. MisterRyno
  7. Robocop frickin rocks sooooooo hard.
  9. Too each their own. MisterRyno
  10. Dust is our worst enemy.
  11. misterryno

    1/55 Acces.

    Diddo...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LOL Seriously though.
  12. Oh....My.......God!!!
  13. misterryno

    1/55 Acces.

    Yes yes....Where can we find these items?
  14. Just tell your friend that you REALLY want the Predaking set.
  15. I tried to contact Ratchet...I think that they have already sold. $350 for the both of them eh......you lookin for any trades? Cash has not been my best friend lately.
  16. <-----------------------Also.....what does everyone think about the Toynami Masterpiece 1/55 M&M's???
  17. Does anyone think that paying $180 shipped for a Reissue Miria 1/55 is crazy???
  18. That's all??? DONE!!! J/K<------I REALLY am.
  19. What are the requirements?
  20. misterryno

    1/55 Acces.

    PM'd You Friend
  21. misterryno

    1/55 Acces.

    Awwwww Crap....you may be right....I am not totally sure, but I may risk it. IS THERE ANYONE WHO KNOWS IF THIS WILL FIT MY REISSUES'S!?!?!?!?
  22. misterryno

    1/55 Acces.

    Worth....not sure.....but I DO WANT that armor...PM me to deal PLEASE.
  23. misterryno

    1/55 Acces.

    Thanks V, you always know where to point me. With that all said, is there anyone out there that wants to "part" with their FP's??? PLEASE LOL
  24. Hello there, Just curious on how to lock a topic that I created. MisterRyno
  25. misterryno

    1/55 Acces.

    Hey everyone, I have been looking for any accesories for my new Bandai 1/55 Valk every since I realized how frickin cool it is...which insedently was as soon as I received it...ANYWAYS, I am looking to see what all there is, for instance, Super/Strike Packs, GBP Armor, etc. I've seen some on eBay for an ungodly price. If anyone knows (which I imagine there alot of you who do) what all is out there and where I can get it, PLEASE do let me know. THANKS ALOT. MisterRyno
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