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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. When I first TF'd my 1/48 Max I could not find the heat shield either. Are you sure that it is not just stuck. Look under the chest plate again. I do not have max anymore otherwise I would point out where to look exactly. Hope you find it.
  2. Bust a move w/the 55's.... YMCA
  3. I can't wait for you too send them...I'm itchin for my other 1A, and 2 1S' to show as well. Then I will need to sell ALOT or save ALOT to get all the FP's and Armor for them. This is murderin my checkbook.
  4. Just received my Army Color Ver. 1/15 Garland and I must say...it is BAD A**...THANKS Carlos of LAFToys.com You the man......
  5. Just received my 1/55 CF yesterday...another soldier to the 1/55 army...I will be receiving 5 more very soon. Sooooooooo love the chunkies...
  6. Hey all, I just recently got refered to this thread...I have plenty of pics of my 1/55's in other threads...but here is a couple of the team thus far.
  7. Hey, thanks for the link to that thread. I am gonna be posting there soon. I just received another 1/55.
  8. Grand Admiral, Niiiiiiicccccceeeee....
  9. Beautiful......Just absolutly gorgeous. I am in awe.
  10. Sqidd, Your bike is so very beautiful. I loath you I'm just a jealous SOB
  11. Ooooooohhhh, I was waitin for someone to ask....I just.....how do I say this the right way....I just wasn't happy with him. Sooooo I traded him with Ratchet. Max has a better home now. He has more love now than I could ever give him. I have a 1/48 CF on the way though. I will probably keep him for a while. My 1/55 army is almost complete. I just need a few more figs that will cost me quite a few body parts.
  12. misterryno

    Graham's Sig

    Does anyone here know who would win a race between Santa Clause, The Easter Bunny, A Smart Blonde, and A Man Friendly Lesbian?
  13. Very Nice...That's what I wanted to see.
  14. GREAT Pics!!! That's a couple of poses I was DEFINITELY looking for. THANKS for reposting them.
  15. WOOOOOOT WOOOOOOOT!!!! I just odered my 1/15 Garland "Army Version" this morning and will hopefully receive it tomorrow. Soooooooo coooooool. Does anyone have any pics posted of their 1/15 Garland? I would REALLY like to see some cool poses.
  16. As I have stated to many before, to each their own. Please do "strike a pose" with your favs if you have not already. All talk and no show makes VFTF1 a dull boy.
  17. misterryno

    Graham's Sig

    Good detective work there....now let's just see if it pans out.
  18. misterryno

    Graham's Sig

    I am guessing, I am not an experianced user....LOL....I'm really not. But anyways....I'm just saying it needs to be as duarable as let's say a Bandai 1/55....there....I said it. LMAO
  19. Tomorrow I will be ordering an "Army Version" from LAFToys and pre-ordering a Proto. EXCITED = ME
  20. misterryno

    Graham's Sig

    True that....BUT.....One factor MUST be recognized. They GOTTA make them durable as ****!!! I LOVE my 1/48 VF-1A Max....BUT....TFing him and some posing him almost gives me a heartattack. Don't get me wrong...I am a careful cat but it's a fragile transformation.
  21. The US, Colorado, Denver does this help? That is the one I am interested in mostly...I like the brown.
  22. Alrighty, I just watched the youtube vid on the TFing of the Garland and what not......I must say.....I LIKE IT!!! I will be purchasing one....I just would like to know the best priced joint to get this guy. ANYONE??? THANKS.
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