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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. So I just checked my shipment from HTS and it says that my TFA Blitzwing (x2) has been accepted yesterday morning. So that means that I should receive them today in the mail. WOOT WOOT!!!
  2. Eh....it's just easier and cost less to get customs made of the "exclusives" that Yamato is coming out with. OO
  3. Or you could take the extra Roy you have and have Kurt or Jung do a bad a$$ weathering job for you for cheaper. That's what I would do. But that's me...and if you were me and I were you then I'd be using your body to get to the top of the mountain.
  4. You pretty much covered it all except for the new 1/60 is also more solid.
  5. I love you Miriya. You always put it straight! I won't let these little things persuade me otherwise from getting more of this line. I dig the new 1/60 VF-1 and I want to own them all. EVERYLAST ONE I SAY!!! ALL OF THEM!!! ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!! But no really....I would really get all of them.
  6. I must join you on this
  7. The meek will follow the masses
  8. NO $HIT!!! Sorry....but I had to laugh at that! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. OLD SKOOL BABY!!! YEAHH!!! Very cool collection mate! Reminds me of my days before MW.
  10. Very cool brother! Thanks for that!
  11. Even the most gentle can be careless.
  12. Yes...just simply pull the arm forward in order for that piece of plastic to clear the nub.
  13. Even though I am careful. It was just a matter of that portion of the plastic being thin and me not pulling out the arm in order to clear the nub. So my vote would go to carelessness.
  14. Hey...it happens. It should'nt...but it does. I should be more careful.
  15. I have a preorder on that and the 1A as well. I won't cancel them. This little issue is not bad enough for that.
  16. Now back to what Miriya was sayin...I think I can do it. I just need to find the right size part from something somewhere where I can make that part out of metal. I hope I can do this. Or maybe one of our recasters can make it out of a stonger plastic.
  17. I was just glancing at my 1/48 in that area...pretty much the same there just the plastic is thicker...but of course it's going to be with that scale.
  18. For sure....die cast would have been a GREAT idea! To bad the toy manufactures don't think like us.
  19. And I am....just gotta pull those arms out and make sure you clear that little peg.
  20. Well guys....I fianlly had a bit of a breakage occur. I'm not angry...I should have been more careful...have a look see. Just a little tiny piece of plastic cracked right off. Too bad that they did not make the plastic there stronger and thicker. It's not causing any problems though so that's good.
  21. Here's a couple more... I went ahead ans added the only couple of stickers I wanted to add to the strike packs.
  22. Now that's the Wicked Ace I know!
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