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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. Ghostkiller, Nice battle scene...
  2. Hey all, Thanks for your answers. I almost forgot that I even asked my question and then I was like "hmmmmmm I wonder if anyone has answered me". I will see what I can do here. I am by no mean good at customizing so I will have to see if I can even do anything. THANKS AGAIN
  3. If you spill...That's alcohol abuse...
  4. What would you say a MIB one would go for?
  5. Yes yes.....Thanks for your concern. I will be getting some recasted parts. It will be the BOMB!!! So if that is all of them...Then I have finished my 1/55 army and now just need to get the SS Parts and Armor and I will be set. I think I may pick up a few more 1/55's to keep in the box. We'll see.
  6. DyNo, I would say that's impresive........but that would be an understatement. VERY VERY VERY VERY Niiiiiiiiicccccccceeeeeeeee
  7. I know how you feel....that's why they call it "te-kill-ya" I do feel for ya though....while drinkin makes everything seem like a good idea...it rarely is. Lesson learned I'm sure.
  8. Hey all, Just curious...this is my checklist for the Bandai 1/55 reissues... VF-1S Roy Focker VF-1A Hikaru VF-1J Hikaru VF-1A CF VF-1J Max VF-1J Millia VF-1S Super Is that all the reissue 1/55's from Bandai??? Are there others??? Anyone who knows, please do let me know. I will not be getting the Super VF-1S for I will be eventually purchasing SS Parts from another member. I just want to make sure that those are the only ones on the checklist. THANKS
  9. Night lights eh??? I know what I would be using them for in my camper van.....giggidy giggidy
  10. I just received my 1/55 M&M's...I will be able to open them up and snap some pics tonight. =ME!!!
  11. Sqidd, Well my friend...since I am in the US as well I will be trying out the light bars. Plus...I'm not too big of a fan of sticking things. But no worries there ruskiiVFaussie, I still think your display case looks awesome. Thanks for the info there Sqidd.
  12. With the way money goes these days...it will be a while till I find a Hik Sup. VF-1S that I can afford. But...oneday I will for sure.
  13. I would LOVE to say yes....BUT it's not...the 2 coming in soon are the M&M's. One day I will have the $ to get all the fast packs and armor that I need.
  14. ruskiiVFaussie, lookin good friend.
  15. I just added 3 more chunkies to my army. Only 2 more coming.
  16. O'm very happy that you chose and enjoy the 1/55. I CANNOT wait till I have all of the 1/55's and accesories for them that I need. Which will be a VERY long time from now. But patience is a virtue.
  17. Sqidd, I would LOVE to say that I feel sorry for you....But really I don't, unless you feel sorry for me. 3 packages were to arrive on mon. and I had to wait till today. And I still do not have them because my work sucks so bad that I am not even working in the office this week I am out in the field. So I will have to pick them up come tomorrow. =ME
  18. Yes.....VERY nice.
  19. Hey all...I am sure there is already a thread for this started. So can someone please point me in the right direction. I would like to know how people apply those nifty paint jobs for their 1/55's. I myself am not anywhere near great at customizing and painting. So I pretty much need a paint customizing for dummies point of view on this.
  20. No Problem....I love taking pics of my new pieces. I will have to try out this superglue/nail polish tip. THANKS.
  21. Too alot of people there are QC problems BUT I have not really experianced any yet. Sorry to hear about the heatshield, ESPECIALLY on such a BAD A** Valk. I am sure that Yamato will help.....I mean they sent new parts for the Megazone 23 1/15 Garland to people for free. They should help you too.
  22. I'm in the same boat as you. I will be moving come next weekend hopefully and as soon as I get my ENTIRE collection set up I will be posting a gallery of pics.
  23. Now everyone here should know that LAFtoys.com is the way to go. BUT...I just checked this site out that you mentioned V....and I am SUPER DUPER HAPPY. I just got a 1/60 Macross Armored Parts for VF-1 from them for like 20 bones. Their clearance iems are to die for. AWESOME. Thanks for referring them.
  24. There is only ONE THING that I cannot stand. He doesn't hold his weapon worth sh**. Is there any suggestions from anyone? THANKS.
  25. No Problem....I am glad you enjoyed them. Yes, you will have to get the Army Color, it is VERY AWESOME!!!!!
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