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Everything posted by misterryno

  2. I can't Just kidding.......really I am
  3. Thanks to cube I got to add this wonderful item to my Macross collection. This isn't really a cool pose or anything...but I have not taken the time to try to figure out if I can really pose this guy with all this awesomely bulky armor on yet.
  4. misterryno

    SV-51 CF!!!

    Yes the repaints of the "crap" toys is definetly not working for me. I would REALLY like to see a VF-0S CF though (a darker shade than this CF of course) THAT WOULD BE THE BOMB ...maily because every CF but the SV-51 looks good.
  5. warpaint22, Wow...that looks GREAT!!!
  6. Nahhhhhhh still diggin the VF-1's yo with or without FP's......but of course my personal fav is the Chunky...EVERYONE knows that
  7. Had some fun with my Revy Hiky after the movie.....which was the BOMB!!!
  8. ....wait.....is that a good thing.... .....
  9. Here's a couple quick ones of my Hiky panel lined....I gotta go watch "The Super Dimensional Fortress Macross Do You Remeber Love Perfect Edition" movie. I tried watching it the other day but got like 20 min. into it and the DVD started tweekin out so I went and exchanged it after work today. Anyways....heres the pics....
  10. THANKS miriya......Oh it is sooooooooooo BAD A**. Totally worth the $250 USD. I will have to consider buying one.
  11. Dante74, Do you know off hand if there is still an ED-209 around anywhere to buy?
  12. I resized it to "avatar" size and now I cannot size it back But that's okay...I have another copy....I will fix this
  13. Possibly tonight I will be able to have them up in here.
  14. LOL.....No I resized it in Photobucket. I was not sure what would happen. Is it too small? Cause it looks normal to me. I need to learn the resizing tools.
  15. Here's my Revy Hiky pre-panel lined.
  16. Here's a pose with the new recast hands I received from DyNo THANKS
  17. What's up with that??? I bookmarked this page and now it's down??? Am I evil
  18. THANKS for this post......I have been wanting to bookmark the "scorched" page for a long time now.
  19. You're missin the 1/55 You know me...I LOVE the Chunky
  20. PMing you friend.
  21. Get em Cy-Kill!!!
  22. You betta be drunk....with crazzzzzzy talk like that
  23. Sqidd, Verrrrry Nice!!! How lond did that Millia take you?
  24. I'm gonna have to agree with most of what you wrote Jeremy. Something about the Eva's really creep me out.
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