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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. Wait though....if you are interested in a 1/60 VF-0S or a VF-19 they seem to be much larger than the VF-1 1/60's. But if that's not the case then I'm just talking for no reason.
  2. Helllllllllllllllllllllllll YEAH!!!! <-------can I say that?
  3. Oh my.....that....that is nice. I mean.....no....that's what I meant.
  4. Yeah Datter....those are the bomb.....when you gonna give one of them too me?
  5. ....too funny.....I still like you though miriya. But man that aussie kills me.
  6. I must of missed this part. They're making revised "perfect transformation" of the 1/60 VF-1 Line? YAY!!!!! I'm soooooooooooo happy!!!
  7. I think that most of them are in the Revoltech VF-1J Topic. I guess that they can go either place. I mean it is a pose of a valk.
  8. MasterOfPuppets, Awesome poses!!!!
  9. That's Grrrreat!!! I can't wait.
  10. WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!! I am VERY excited...Especially about the VF-1A Mass Production. Thanks for calling them.
  11. Right on thanks.
  12. Hey all, does anyone know where I might be able to find some super/strike parts for the Toynami 1/100 scale fully transformable valks?
  13. Yeah.....That guy is.....ummmm.....AWESOME!!!
  14. misterryno

    F Toys???

    That's pretty nifty.
  15. misterryno

    F Toys???

    Sorry to ask if the question has been previously answered....but are they transformable?
  16. So are these the same ones that I posted right here.... F Toys???
  17. misterryno

    F Toys???

    Great then.....so another thread has already been started. THANKS ALOT for your help.
  18. misterryno

    F Toys???

    Hello there, Does anyone know anything about these? I have tried searching for some info. but it is all in a language I cannot read. Small Valks.
  19. Tacky.....Slightly.....but IT IS a 25th anni. and that is why they made it that way is so EVERYONE KNOWS that particular one is the 25th anni. Valk.
  20. Thanks Mate
  21. *Droooooolsss* I.....I love......you.....I mean your collection....yes...that's what I meant
  22. misterryno

    SV-51 CF!!!

    Oooooooo....I like the blue.
  23. misterryno

    SV-51 CF!!!

    Can you PM me as well? Thanks
  24. THANKS
  25. maxjr, Wow......that's it. Just wow.
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