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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. VERY NICE!!!!! I especially like the "picture frame" of Minmei and Hikaru in the bottom right hand corner of pic #3. THANKS for sharing.
  2. I'll think about the kites (if I can figure out what they are) and yeah...the quality of the paint/line job they did on the MP SS....I was like "wow, they actually did a good job" "whoda thunk it"
  3. Hey...what did you use to panel line that guy? It looks FANTASTIC. On another note.....I receive my Super Stealth today from a fellow MWer. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!
  4. You know....I take back what I said earlier about not panel lining anymore because it may depritiate them. I am going to panel line my 1/48 Anime Color GBP Armor.
  5. I was thinking about it. But stickers and I just don't get along. LOL...No...it's not that. This guy is tampo printed to the max. I am actually VERY impressed with how much print is already on there. I almost....no.....not almost.....I REALLY REALLY wish that they would panel line the valks. like tampo printing. Now that would be GREAT!!!! Have you seen the G1 MP Starscream. that is panel lined on the top already and I think it looks sweet (IMO) Well back to the subject....I don't think I'll sticker em up.
  6. THANKS....I used a mechanical pencil for this guy since he is white. I thought of using the marker but then I figured that would be too dark.
  7. I just finished panel lining my 1/60 VF-0S and I thought I would share. I don't think that I am going to panel line any others though for now on. I like the way it looks. But if I ever go to resell them...I think this may depreciate them. What do you think?
  8. GREAT IDEA!!!
  10. Very nice mate.
  11. Ummmmm YES PLEASE!!!!! Also 1/48's of the Super Ost., VE-1, and the VF-1D. THANKS
  12. Those are my FAV!!!!!!
  13. Yo...yo...yo...whre's this collection of sithlords...I would REALLY like to drool over it....can someone PLEASE post a link to it. THANKS.
  14. I sell my body to keep up with my collection. No...I just use the money I should probally be saving. Sell a few things here and there. That's about it.
  15. You're right...3 or 4 1/48's are not THAT EXPENSIVE Just kidding...I know...trust me I AM watching.
  17. I won't go for the regular 1A more than likely but a CF for sure
  18. Totally understand how you 2 feel. I only need/want a few more. And they are going to cost me for sure. They are as follows. A 1/60 Ghost, 1/48 VF Hikaru, Roy, Milia, and Max all with FP's oh yeah and a 1/55 Strike Valk. (in regards to the 1/55 strike.....shya...like this will ever happen). Can we say CA-CHING $$$
  19. Lookin good there mate!!! Of course...
  20. Too true I put the missles from the SS Packs on my 0S and it looks incredible.
  21. LMAO Sad but true
  22. Mine as well now....I am VERY impressed with this buy.
  23. LMAO....I am about to watch that episode next. Let's see what episode am I on....ummmmm episode 6 of the 3rd disk of 4.....ummmm crap...well I will see it soon enough. Too funny.
  24. Ummmmmm......LOL......I asked this smae question 8 posts back and no reply. Maybe they will like you more. LOL
  25. Hidden....come on.....you must let them know......What a freak you are.....LOL JUST KIDDING....unless you really are a freak ....this could get interesting
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