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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. I am SOOOOOOOOO STOKED too show you guys what I just got finished
  2. Geeeeeezzeee man.....don't ya even like this one??? Sqidd....YOU THE MAN!!!
  3. It's kind of standard that you have to do one since that is the original Macross jet.
  4. Nice snatch .....I know that sounds weird
  5. Ppppssssshhhhh LUCKY!!!! I would display it.
  6. What he said
  7. Ooooooooo....that's sweet I want one of those as well
  8. Wow......I totally am not ready for them to discontinue the 1/48 VF-1's. I love them and no one....I SAID NO ONE....can take that away from me I SAID NO ONE!!!!
  9. There's an OP comin out called first watch op or something like that, that is G1 colors...I think
  10. Here they are...
  11. I added a couple of new ones to the collection. And there are some here that I will probally liquedating soon. I added the MP Starscream and the Super Stealth
  12. Sqidd, I'm a huge fan of OP myself....I just wanted to say....DAMN that Prime kicks A$$. Looking good there pal.
  13. NICE VFTF1!!! I was thinking of waiting to post more pics of him till I'm done with customizing but here are a couple I took last night. The otheres welcomed him into the Partial Fast Pack family just fine
  14. Yeah convincing the wife is the hard part But....I got most of the ones I want for now. So I think I am just gonna chill for a while on them.
  15. LOL....That is too bad....I wish they made it so the booby ducks where easier to get off though. The BD's on my stealth come off pretty easily without TOO MUCH force. That makes me
  16. Too funny....is that a Toyanmi 1/100? (it looks like it) Those figs are VERY close to being my favs. for little figures.
  17. I know right!!! Man that SS looks GREAT!!! I can't wait to dress mine up soon (tomorrow maybe) I have a bit of work to do for him. I'll let you guys know. Too funny....3 members in a row with the SS all ready to show
  18. I like green. He'll do for me.
  19. Naked for now....I am going to customize this soon.
  20. That is the pilot that came with him....it is weird....but eh....whatevs
  21. protodeviln, That's a nice lookin stand. GOOD JOB!!! I also like your Stealth. I just got mine from a fellow MWer and am just about to post some pics myself. Oooooopssss Pic #4 is supposed to be rotated... More too come...I still need to do some customizing to him....
  22. Here's one for ya... Macross MiniMates/Valks and People (you know what I'm talkin bout )
  23. I have started my 1/60 CF on his legs which are die cast. I started by using the same marker that I used for my 1/48 CF and it was not working very well so I decided that after I put on his GBP Armor it will never come off. I even superglued the armor part that goes over his nose cone cause it kept coming off. Soooooo the answer is.....I really don't know what to use.
  24. I used my finger too...but on accident....LOL....anyways....I was worried that the pencil would rub off and stuff during transformation...but if you say it will stick...then I believe you. Thanks for letting me know.
  25. Your answer is above and right here too
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