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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. The more and more I see it....the sadder I get ....I REALLY wish they had an Ultra Class Galvatron...
  2. THANKS!!! Just saw those. I'm gonna get a custom made I think so I can have a different head sculpt. Also...just found this! S.A.R.I.
  3. You know....I never thought you would be such a hater....I'm surprised....I cannot recall...do you own any of the TFA line? If not...then why hate it so much? If so...then...well...I don't know.
  4. On another note... Watching TFA Episode 23 right now... MEGATRON GERWALK!!!!!!!!
  5. Quoted for truth... I dig Blitzwing no matter what. He's TIGHT!
  6. The only thing that bothers me about him is that his legs are a bit weird but all in all he is AWESOME!!!
  7. Yeah that little piece sucks...I always removed that piece on the 1/48s....but you cannot remove it on these.
  8. I like the idea of the Battroid being bigger....but I don't care for the placement.
  9. I wasn't trying to justify it for I don't really care. Yeah it would be nice if were smoother like in the show but hey....whatcha gonna do?!? I think he's a cool fig anyways.
  10. that's what my fiancee thought too....but hey....that's the way it is in the show.
  11. ......I really hate how they made the landing gear white on the Stealth .........maybe they'll correct that with the 1/60 v.2
  12. OLD SKOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLL!!!!! And some Targetmaster goodness!
  13. The orange thingies are his missiles and they can be removed. I like you collection so far. I still need to get Oil Slick and quite a few more.
  14. Here we go now...because of his arm transformation I can only get him to partial GERWALK...
  15. Hmmmmm.....I haven't tried that......yet Before I do...here's a little Blitzwing "Itano Circus" I found while watching TFA Episode 21...
  16. That sucks mate.
  17. As promised....here are a few quick snapshots of TFA Blitzwing....all I need is one more for all 3 transformations.
  18. I would take some pics...but mine is in Battroid right now and I don't feel like TFing it...but I assure you that mine are as straight as Kyps. Also...I was hoping that the "UN SPACY" on the Gunpod would be not one right and one wrong but it is.....eh.....still looks cool.
  19. except for the fact that....IIRC....Toynami is simply distributing this for the US not making them.
  20. You just did begin...
  21. Right on! Can't wait to see some Old Skoolness!!! I will also be posting some pics tonight of TFA Blitzwing.
  22. Join us Miriya!.....Kyp and I are your friends! Don't you wanna be cool like us and have all the new toys?!?
  23. I TOTALLY concur! I would love a StarConvoy. He would be AWESOME with articulation!
  24. They look pretty cool. I have considered getting the Hulk or IronMan. On another note...WOOT WOOT!!! I just got TFA Blitzwing!!! My package arrived today and there they were...TFA Blitzwing X 2....SOOOOO COOL!!! The tank mode is the most solid so far and pretty cool looking...I dig the triple face gadget...I'm miffed about not being able to swing the callnons over the shoulders in robot mode...but so far a REALLY SWEET figure! MORE LATER!
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