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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. Heres some pics of my revised collection for now.
  2. winterdyne, I just got done reading this whole topic and first off I extend my welcomes to you friend. Secondly I must say you are doing a fantastic job on this piece.
  3. There are... ....well.....I guess their not real anime girls if you make real girls dress like them.....or are they real
  4. miriya, THANKS ALOT for all the pics (you were just waiting and plotting for this chance ) Ohhh Milia is sooooooooo HOT!!! MILF
  5. I just wish I was a anime charactor now
  6. Whoa......I missed a few of these....LOL.....I was so bushwacked from gettin blitzed last night that I needed a nap with the wife LOL.........So time to catch up.... I think this fig is like way cool....I would spend the 50 bones on one for sure but no more, and in order to have max as well I would need to spend more. Speaking of this 3 piece Milia set....miriya....can you take some pics for me.....do they have a max 3 piecer? Well.....I'm on for the night now. I went and picked up a IMen Miriya and Valk and 2 more of the SD Figurines of M&M.
  7. Hey all, I have seen these a few times (the Max Version only once)...but I am curious of how much people would pay for these, seperetly? I would not mind picking them up myself.
  8. sqidd, Now that is awesome my friend I really enjoy your mods.
  9. That sounds like a hell of a fix. Incase I strip anymore in the future or whatever can you please post me some up close pics of your solution?
  10. I ordered mine and had them within 10 days.
  11. Sorry I totally missed this post......I contacted him through my acct. at LAFToys.com.
  12. I know right. I went from DYRL to the series then too Macross II (currently watching) then next will be Macross Zero. I'm eating, sleeping, and well........ummmm..... .....can't stop thinking about valks. LOL
  13. Jeremy007, Impressive as always my friend
  14. You're tellin me......Carlos = THE BOMB!!!
  15. Well guys...Carlos just contacted me and all is being taken care of. THANKS.
  16. If the doors to that place are still open I will let you know. I am checking for Miriya and Malakite as well.
  17. Hello all, I have just recently purchased a number of Flexi Display Stands from the oh so awesome LAFToys. That is no joke...this place is for serious a GREAT place to shop. Anyways...this is not my first rodeo when it comes to the stands. My problem lies within one of the 4in stands that I purchased. I was screwing all the screws in and when I tightend up the last one, it stripped out. Does anyone know of an easy fix for this? I REALLY love these stands and I would like to fix it ASAP. PLEASE do let me know if anyone knows of a fix. THANKS.
  18. That is an option as well.
  19. Really??? Heh......damn gigantic combiner!!!
  20. LOL... ....You're right though.
  21. Why do the Japanese always think that americans are so tacky to the point of liking black and gold. I mean COMEON...that was my sisters High School Colors and my Elementry School colors but still........BLAH!!!!!
  22. At my local anime store that is about to go out of business.
  23. OMG!!! I can't believe you took blurry pics It happens to ALL OF US. Anyways.....those flexi's are freakin awesome eh?!?
  24. miriya, I like your poses and really di your Samuri. I also think it's cool how you put the pilot on the air brake like that for display. Keep em up there killer.
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