Great Custom and poses. If you do decide to make a custom with that bad a$$ camo scheme, Miriya is right, that would look AWESOME on a VF-0A. Keep up the fantastic work.
If something new comes out that you really want. You just look at it this way. What do I have that I can get rid of that I really don't like that much and make some money off of? That's what I used to do when I actually had a collection.
Personally I started collecting the Macross valks. without having real knowledege of what they really were besides really sweet looking transformers. Then I got the DVD's of the movies and tv show and then I REALLY started to enjoy Macross. For clarification....I liked the fis before the show.
Well.....I just was trying to do some head swapping....and apparently another thing that was changed when the reissues where made was the bottom of the head where it connects to the body. The peg on my jetfire head was slightly larger and also pressed out instead of being in like the reissues head is. . So if there is anyone out there with a reissue 1/55 bright white head PLEASE let me know. THANKS.
Hey all, I just recently purchased a G1 JetFire and the age is starting to show with valk bright white dulling quite a bit. Is there a way to clean this guy to make his brighter? THANKS for you help.
Hey all. I was looking for a replacement head for a Reissue Bandai 1/55 VF-1S. I would prefer it to be the bright white instead of the grayish one. And for the head lasers to be black would be nice as well. If anyone can help me out that would be great! THANKS.
Does that Shadow have any SERIOUS QC issues? I have been thinking for a while about getting an Alpha and I am guessing that one would be the way to go.
Along with the boxes being smaller they should seal them too I know I know...this has all been discussed. But, DAMN....just get your heads out of your arsses and do it already YAMATO.