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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. And I was starting to wonder if I was going to be the only one to announce my love for the chunky.
  2. Can you please provide a pic of the exact area(s) you speak of and I will see if I can help. THANKS.
  3. izzyfcuk, You never cease to amaze me mate. Very nice looking pieces. I will have to take some new pics of my guys as well. EDIT-----> Do you have a backdrop or a mini studio of some type you use for your background? I need to get one for my pics to look more professional and I would like some good ideas on how to make a good one.
  4. redemption, Well mate. I just about had a heartattack looking at that magnificent collection. That my friend was BEAUTIFUL!!! Thank you sooooo much for that. That was just what I needed before work today. Hey...for the custom strike....where did you get those missiles??? Let me know pretty please. PM me or something. THANKS.
  5. You're killin me
  6. Diddo on that note. I am pretty sure that you are right. After this guy comes out, if it does'nt have a ton (hopefully none) of issues alot more people will be more likely to buy the first wave.
  7. What does that even mean? LOL
  8. Ummmm.....you can NEVER watch too many Chuck Norris movies.... in the words of the immortal Chuck Norris "Don't F*** with Chuck"
  9. I would choose to be with the UN Spacey Navy (since this is not an option I will choose the UN Navy) since the Navy produces the BEST pilots.
  10. Galvatron says "Wow look at those gigantic hands eugimon has, how is he suppose to get ahold of that tiny little cannon in eugimons omega pants"
  11. Here's a few pics of me when I used to have long hair (I will be growing it back soon enough) also some pics of me as a martial arts master (not really a master but I like to think I am really good LOL)
  12. Don't give up.....but if you do....sell me your collection before you sell it to anyone else
  13. I like them both so I am of no use.
  14. Wow..... .....That is smooth my man......I really like that.....
  15. Your option is now listed mate.
  16. Jonwayne wants you too add a "only on lunch" option....I am sure it is this way for alot of others too
  17. Now I can't really say I have dreamed of this for years. But lately YES. I want them just cause they are sooooooo cool. Yamato....COME ON.....HELP US OUT HERE!!! I want some for a 1/55 scale too though
  18. LMAO.... ....That is an awesome show though.
  19. I'll check that....THANKS ALOT
  20. miriya, Thanks for those pics.......I have seen them on that site though.....I wanted to see yours ....it's okay....another time when you have time
  21. izzyfcuk, The condition of those are MIRACULOUS!!! VERY NICE!!!!
  22. I am sure there is a post in here somewhere with the answer that I am looking for.....but......can anyone tell me how to prevent the Yellowing on my 1/55's? Is there like a special coat of something that I can put on them to prevent this? Cause if they yellowed I would be pissed .
  23. If this pre-order does not go as smoothly as I am now anticipating...then I might be on the same page as you and say forget Yamato....at least until the new 1/60 comes out. I can't imagine that they would have as many QC issues with that one after all this time...well at least I would hope not. If I do say F O to Yamato then I will be purely 1/55's....which I mostly am now.
  24. Nausica, I'm not much of a modeler myself (excepet when I am posing as a model ) but for cardboard and melting glue as your materials......FANTASTIC JOB!!! Also the painting really isn't bad at all. Again....alot better than I could do. GREAT JOB once more and keep up the awesome work mate.
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