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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. Heres some poses of my Toynami 1/100's. I know there are ALOT of haters out there but these 2 little ones are the shiznit!!!
  2. What can I say.....People love to hear what I have to say
  3. Damn....I need to quite commenting then....cause most of what I say is NOT useful.
  4. LMAO… I didn’t even notice that it had changed. THANKS for pointing it out to me. I graciously accept this title given to me by the GOD LIKE mods. I will proudly hold Globals pipe or anything else he would give me to hold. I will forever miss being a Bridge Bunny with you mate Back on the topic now….I will be sure to post later tonight my take on the Toynami fiasco.
  5. I would say that is what was being said.
  6. Luckily I have not had ANY issues with my Max and Millia 1/100's
  7. mojacko, lookin good there mate. I need to make a S O out of the JetFire I just took apart.
  8. Too True....BUT....I thought his death more admirable when he self destructed in DYRL (or was it SDF..I think it was DYRL)
  9. jadefalconguard, GREAT looking model mate!!!
  10. winterdyne, GREAT IDEA MATE!!! If you do go through with this I am sooooooooo your customer. THANKS for this poll.
  11. IMO Panel Lining looks great on ANY scale VF-1. I do hop you find one, it is a GREAT pen to work with. I plan on trying to find a gray or gunsmoke color sometime soon. I panel lined a 1/48 CF as my first "custom" and again IMO I think it looked FABULOUS!!! It really had a "catoon" like look to it. I really liked it. I wish I still had some pics. In fact.....I sold it to another member here.....maybe he can shoot some pics of it.
  12. Fatcap67, THANKS Mate I used a Sakura Pigma Micron .02 mm found at either Hobby Lobby or Michaels Crafts Turned out pretty well. Is that a 1/60 Hikaru?
  13. MaveRick, THANKS ......Panel Lining that guy was a pain in my a$$ at points. I REALLY like the contrast of your photos. Also, the pics just look old school....LOOKIN GOOD mate!!!
  14. Can't wait for a Family Guy movie to hit the BIG screen.
  15. Heh...when I was 14 I went to Florida for my first time and as soon as me and my buddy got off the plane his G-Pa said "hey boys!!! You wanna go to Hooters for dinner?" Needless to say we went to the one right there in Kissimmee and I still have the tank top that all the girlies signed What a GREAT trip.
  16. nightmareB4macross, interesting my friend....interesting
  17. Fatcap67, Nice lookin pics mate
  18. Hell yeah!!! This thread BLEW UP!!! Once I get some sort of a proper photo studio I will be taking some awesome pics I hope.
  19. 1/1 LowViz Lurker, Yes that is what I was looking for. THANKS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So can anyone answer me this??? Are the 1/72 Models the same size as the 1/72 VF-1 valks in those pics??? I am looking to get some decals for my 1/55's and I have found ALOT of them for a 1/72 scale model. So I am guessing I prob. will not be able to use those
  20. THANKS Skull-1, I have actually considered just asking you if I can send all the parts to you to do a paint job for me. But I think I may try to learn myself and not burdon you with my issues of painting .
  21. big F & MechTech, Hey you 2 thanks for the awesome advice. And yes Mech I am planning on using Spray Paint. For right now I can't justify spending the money on a AirBrush kit especially cause I don't know how to use one. I am sure it is pretty easy to learn, but the money is the issue right now. THANKS GUYS.
  22. I considered getting some JetFire stickers there for I have gotten many TF stickers there in the past. They have all be GREAT!!! The JetFire stickers are going for like $28 USD. The only "problem" that I have experienced with them is that I am impatient and have to wait for them to ship from Canada. The stickers are great teh price is great I am just impatient. It's a personal thing. I will still use them even though.
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