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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. Are they going to come out with a Shadow for the new ones that have just came out???
  2. The upside is that the cabinet looks FREAKIN SWEET!!!
  3. You know whats weird......I just bought a DS Light for myself for christmas I and I just noticed this thread today. I should pay more attention.......it's gonna take me FOREVER to read this entire thread. I want too though....I am VERY happy with my DS purchase.
  4. Some more.... And a little PFP (partial fast pack) love...
  5. Fatcap67, A little Super VF-1J H. Ichigo action back at ya.......Chunky Style!!!
  6. LMAO I usually do, do that. It makes getting your a$$ wooped alot more pleasent
  7. Now that is an AWESOME display case. You might as well spend just as much as your collection is worth in order for them to be displayed properly. Deltolf cabinets are a popular choice amongst a few here. They are usually available through Ikea for a real good price. The problem for me is that I do not have Ikea near me and they want 200 bones for shipping. No way am I going to pay that.
  8. deadghost, If there is anything I have learned from watching Macross. It's that not all the enemies are bad. Some are here to help. We need to pick carefully who we "off". Let me know who they are and I will take care of it for you.
  9. LMAO..... Like theres anything wrong with that
  10. I can believe this
  12. VERY NICE!!! I need to pick one of those up when I get the $.
  13. For stripping of the paint I would look HERE.
  14. Yes yes miriya....I know I still need to get some pics and dimensions to ya. I am sorry mate
  16. Well put mate
  17. THANKS miriya See how I draw more and more into loving the 1/100's Toynami should of hired me for a sales man. My friends all use to tell me "you could talk a life loving person into killing themselves"
  18. Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0, good call on all that mate. IMO I like the 1/100's. I am sure that there are some out there that are pieces of $hit...but it is the same way with Yamatos. There are peeps on here that are hard core Yamato freaks and even they are sometimes like. "Ummmm yeah...that valk was put together by an infant". EVERYONE has their issues. Luckily I have not had to deal with any issues. I feel bad for whomever does have to deal with that crap. But....when someone comes on here and says that they need some help with knowing weather something is good or bad.....just put a sock in it when it comes to these minascule battles of Yamato VS Toynami. Does it really matter?
  19. Welcom....I thought I welcomed you in your Wacom post...but maybe not....so WELCOME!!! And just so you know...."steve" is a cool handle
  20. LOL ...Yes I wish I had tiny pilots for these 1/100 scales. That would be pretty nifty. I think I would crush them though.
  21. Hell yeah!!! That is one of the best poses to put a valk into IMO. What can I say....I LOVE THE CHUNKY!!! And yes, they will look "super" with the Booby Ducks.
  22. Don't hate some much yous guys......check THESE out, and see why theses little ones should be loved.
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