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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. Are you serious!?!? Those HUGE boxes are HORRIBLE. They take up way too much space.
  2. When they do hold the service. Please do let us know how beutiful it is. Sometimes the most wonderfully beutiful services are when one passes.
  3. Ahhh I see. Well then. How are you at drawing Battroid modes? If you can...my personal fav's are Max & Milia Jenius. I would like to see them in a classic back to back action pose if you could. Let me know what you think.
  4. Yeah she died of laughter when she saw how small your p--is is.
  5. The pink is....ummmmmmm....interesting.....but I like the pic.
  6. Dude.....she's dead....
  7. You and me mate.....2 peas in a pod.....you know EXACTLY what I am thinking
  8. Oh yes.....one more thing.....I forgot to say it and noticing that it is only your second post.....WELCOME TO MACROSS WORLD!!! Your wallet will hate you
  9. I think I can speak for alot of us when I say wait for the new 1/60's. I know you have to wait till prob. April...but it will be worth it. I hope. About the sites to buy from. There are sooooooo many. I recommend visiting www.LAFtoys.com though. LOS is a member here and he is the BOMB!!! Good job on picking up the Stealth and the parts though. That is a hard find these days for a decent price. And good luck on getting the Low Vis for a low price.
  10. I just realized that those pics were posted on Dec. 19th not Jan. 19th.....I'm soooo dumb sometimes....I was on X-mas Vacation....that is where I was......damn...I need to lay of the.....ummmmm.....nevermind. And about tooting your horn I really should stop now.... ....before I get kicked off the boards or something for going to far. LMFAO.
  11. Yeah...those Tsukasa Bullet chicks are HOT HOT HOT...but if my fiance found I spent money to get those chicks I would be DEAD DEAD DEAD.
  12. The "your mommas" are gettin over played. And here I'll save you on this one...."my momma is getting over played" hahaha booooooooooo
  13. I just looked at thos AWESOME poses you did and was thinking "Where the fu#* was I when these were posted???" and then I realized my dumb a$$ was falling down a mountain side while learning how to snowboard (I hurt still) But anyways mate.....those are the MOST AWESOMIST(<---I know...not a real word) POSES OF MILIA EVER!!!!! GREAT JOB!!!
  14. You guys are killing me......OMG......I'm crying cause I'm laughing so hard.
  15. True.....but Nor is right about that person having control over killing themself or not.
  16. Oh...I understand that mate.....I am just saying that if you have someone that may depend on you like a child.....you should try as frickin hard as you can to do the RIGHT thing and not off yourself. Of course.....we will never know wether or not this was suicide or not.
  17. Yes.....please.....if you don't want side covers I understand.....but......PLEASE PLEASE say you do so that we may have a fighting chance of getting them. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it to have some.
  18. Hey hey.....I only state the truth mate.
  19. I must say Nor....I'm with you on this one. If you have someone in your life that you may play a VERY important role in his/her life. Then you need to get your $hit together and start facing reality.
  20. Check out his page HERE It is AWESOME!!! There are GREAT pics and even better reviews. Jenius is the MAN!!!
  21. Except the difference between Brandon and Heath is that Brandon was killed . Damn "Lee Curse"....at least that is what they say.
  22. Now that just sounds dirty
  23. I'm not allowed to post what I would REALLY want you to draw . But I will be thinking hard and let you know when I have something.
  24. Now see there energon......that is only 1 negative to 2-3 positives. Are you happy now?
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