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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. I've been taking some closer looks at the CM's and the MH's and I must say that I think the MH's are looking a little more detailed and with the armor on I think it fits better that the CM's. Also, the face sculpts really make them look better than the CM's as well. And to top it off....I can't see paying around the same price for a CM when it is smaller and you can see the screw holes. That's my take on it.
  2. LMAO .....I fell a little slow today......too much OT at work. I was just thinking about something though. You know how we are all "certain" that there will be QC issues with the Toynamis......well think of it this way. The ride armors don't really transform per say......I mean not like a Valk or a Alpha.......they more like come apart and then snap onto the figures right? Well then....there should be TOO MANY QC issues at all then right???
  3. Toynami is actually due forst quarter of 2008 or so BBTS says. I am thinking so far of going with the Megahouse. They look the best so far. IMO.
  4. I'm beginning to think that Graham just likes to toy with us and confuse us to were we really don't know weather something is really happeneing or not. As of right now. I'm confused weather or not we will see a VF-11.....I don't know what to think. Why do you do this to us Graham??? WHY!?!?!
  5. Go with LOS. www.laftoys.com (man LOS is gonna love that I keep pluggin his shop)
  6. I don't see a locking mechanism......but it seems like it may be hinged almost like the VF-0's or even a 1/48...just easier to get out. Do you mean turn as in go around??? If so....it would seem that way.
  7. Gotcha....I will look out for the info mate.
  8. Hikuro, I'd be interested in taking a position if you need it mate. Let me know. PM me or something with details.
  9. Spiff, I'm down with this idea mate. The only thing is...they may make one with Booby Ducks...but I am not too sure about the armor, no matter how freakin sweet it looks. I like the armor that you are making so far. It looks excellent. You might as well finish the process since it does'nt seem like you have that much more to do. And, you will be one of the few (if not the only one) to have an armor set for the 1/72. That should make you feel better about this endevour right? Anyways...if you do finish it...PLEASE take some pics. THANKS.
  10. Naughty boy...someone must punish you
  11. Yeah...that looks really nice there Steve. I can't wait to see the finished product.
  12. I'm amazed your robots have'nt been nagging you too dust them off before your wife had. My Chunkys yell at me at least once a week to quite being lazy and not let them get covered with dust. Actually....I think I have a mild case of OCD and dust like 2 or 3 times a week. I know I know....I'm a little strange.
  13. DAMN STRAIGHT!!! That is a classic mate. I have been thinking about suggesting this for a while too someone and have kept forgetting but here it is......has anyone considered either doing a repaint of the 1/48 Booby Ducks to match the original Strike Valk. from the 80's? Or can someone post pics of their 1/48 1S Hikaru with Stealth Booby Ducks???
  14. Graham, THANKS ALOT for the scans of this and the YF-21 (I forgot to thank you in that thread)!!! OMG I am soooooo excited for the new 1/60. I am not quoting you, but if they are around the same price as a 1/48 w/o FP's that makes me pretty happy. Hopefully by the time these babies hit production I will have a new/better job and lots of mula.
  15. It's looking even better than I expected. Besides the pilots seat gimmock I actually REALLY enjoy the way that the landing gear rotates for storage. I think it's a huge improvement over the VF-1's landing gear.
  16. That is exactly what I was thinking.
  17. That is not a picture of my box though. It is from Jenius' site. So it must be his. I will check mine tonight. I am sure that they are in the same place that yours are.
  18. I'll check mine tonight and see what I can find.
  19. Here's the pic...
  20. weird. Why do I feel like I'm in Grade School?
  21. I thought I may just remain being a Chunky freak...but there are a few of these that I actually wanna get and think they they will display nicely with my Chunkys.
  22. That's too bad. I have applied a few.....I usually don't but these are'nt that bad. The only ones I regret pulling off the sheet are the UN SPACY's to go on the gunpod for when I displayed these guys in fighter mode being held up by their gunpod the stickers peeled off because of the clamping of the holder to the pod. Does that make sence???
  23. Good lookin collection there Spiff. I like the little comic too....that is funny .
  24. Nope.....but.....you are a dirty little Aussie. But of course. That's why I like you .
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