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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. There ya go hutch.
  2. Now I just can't wait for my MH's to arrive for they will be AWESOME (I think...I mean I hope). I am just hoping that they are not as "fragile" as the CM's. I don't believe they will be though after watching the video.
  3. Damn....you guys and breaking things.....I guess I'm just a gentle giant......you all need to be more careful LOL
  4. Yeah.....when I opened the box containing these 2 boxes I was like "WTF!?! I GOT 2 Stick's and not Ley.....F THAT!!!" then I realized that I was dumb
  5. Look good, yes......fun to handle, no. Just too damn small.
  6. To tell the truth......I am rather unhappy with these guys.....but for my own personal reasons of me thinking that they are just too small for me to handle. Luckily just as I expected....I did not have any problems with TFing mine or breaking anything. I opened them both up.....TFed Rey to get some pics and then after that I was like "well......screw this.....I'm not TFing Stick." I am going to post them both for sale in the Sell/Trade Forums. Maybe I will like the MH's better....but seeings how they are small as well....I think I may just cancel my order and wait for the Beagel or the Toynami. I don't know. EDIT------> I just realized that I have been writting "Rey" and not "Ley".....my bad.
  7. Your wish is my command.....
  8. Now that is just weird man
  9. Did you have a pre-order in? If so...I would try to email LOS and just ask what's going on with the order. I am sure there is a good reason. LOS is the bomb and VERY VERY helpful.
  10. NSJ23, OH MY!!! I think I love you....wait....wait.....I DO love you.....actually I love your custom....well....if you give me that guy I will love you too . It's BEAUTIFUL!!! EDIT-----> See if you can get some REALLY nice shots of that guy in all modes and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE submit it to the 1/55 Customs page.
  11. I got my CM's in the mail yesterday from LAFtoys!!! I am soooooooo excited, but I have not even had the chance to open them yet and will not be able to till tonight. At that point in time we will see if I have any of the troubles that some of you have had. Luckily (not to jinx myself) I have been one of the few to receive QC issues on anything that I have bought *knocking on wood*. With all this talk of the MH's not including stickers and all that with ALL of the 1st run.....that just pisses me off . I should cancel my pre-order. That's a load of crap.
  12. Arthurius, I like how you have "roller" ready to fuel up the Stealth
  13. Mine are sitting at the postal office right now. I won't be able to get them till Monday I will be sure to post some pics ASAP.......anyone else wanna post some of theirs???
  14. Believe it or not......Donkey's are smart....I think..... .....
  15. I keep thinking I'm gonna end up selling mine not too long after I get it just cause I may not like it as much as I think I do presently.....but....GOD DAMN this is a BEAUTIFUL BLUE BOY!!!
  16. DAMN.....that things got some junk in the trunk too eh?!?
  17. Well now......I don't know what to believe. >EXO<, Are MOST things your fault??? and on another note... WOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO MY CM'S ARE SHIPPING FROM LAFTOYS.......THANKS LOS!!!!
  18. Wicked Ace, I like that chart as well. Thanks for that. Sumdumgai, Are you sure you don't wanna be pooed on? I mean......eh.....nevermind.......pooing on people is gross
  19. Nuh uh......well.....maybe......well poo on you
  20. Yeah....that is EXACTLY what I am in to Not really....but I am sure I would love it anyways.
  21. Sad isn't it? I wish they would make the new 1/60's the same size as the VF-0.
  22. Oh I won't blame you if I hate it. I will do as everyone else and blame >EXO< I know I need to develop patience for my "collectibles" to get here but I am CAN'T!!!
  23. Google??? What's that??? LMFAO
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