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Everything posted by misterryno

  1. I thought the Euro was kickin our collective arses
  2. Damn.....I plan on replacing my current laptop and my desktop that the hardrive just crashed on with a new laptop and I though spendin a G was gonna be alot. But you plan on spendin 5 G's eh. I wish I had the duckets to drop.
  3. BIG THANKS too 007-vf1...I just received 2 more Charas in the mail and I did'nt even think about this before hand...but, why does Max not have any missiles??? Yet...they made Milia with missiles. Why??? That's dumb. But....the Minmei Guard KICKS A$$!!!
  4. You're right on that note...but I don't care as long as they include the Strike Armor with him and not seperatly. Why not just make that particular strike part available like their doin for the M&M's??? I guess prob. cause not everyone could get that SDCC exclusive Hmmmm...... TOYNAMI!!!!!! Why do you do this to us?
  5. I just want for them to deliver what they have already shown. Examples....M&M Super Strike Armor and GBP Armor. Also a 1S Strike Hikky...that's it. If I have to wait for a little while that would be fine with me. But a little while means less than a year. Not more than that.
  6. In the words of Wayne and Garth......."Shhhyyyeeaa right"
  7. I know what you mean. I just now turned my P's onto NetFlix. I wonder how their gonna take it when the new stuff hit the shelves.
  8. I just went to see "Jumper" this weekend (IT'S BAD A$$ IMO) and I saw a preview for this new IJ movie. It looks alright. I hope it ranks somewhere close with the old ones that I love from when I was younger.
  9. I'm looking forward to the M&M Booby Ducks and maybe a GBP. I am more so interested in getting a Strike Hikky. Do y'all figure he will come out in Series 3???
  10. miriya, I can't wait to see the finished product. I bet it will look AMAZING!!!
  11. I myself will be getting a few of the new 1/60 scale valks. But I prefer the 1/55 Chunky Monkeys for a good scale.
  12. If I had another one I would cut you a deal.....but....it seems you'll just have to wait for someone else to not like theirs and then sell it for cheap.
  13. LOL In the words of Kanye West......."I Likey"
  14. Tisk tisk Miriya.....stealin from HLJ
  15. MaveRick, VERY smooth mate, lookin good.
  16. You cancelled too??? You mean....I'm not.....alone???
  17. I just cancelled my pre-order for the MH's. I hope that it isn't as good as everyone thinks. I will be waiting a while till either the Beagel or Toynami come out or till I can afford an old school Gakken. I do still wanna see pics of these though whenever people get some.
  18. How's the Stick figure holding up???
  19. That is definetly a good thing too know. My Milia has some weird buildup of glue or something on the closure for the front landing gear so I'm gonna need to buffer it off and then touch it up. THANKS for the info. This I TOTALLY agree with you on. GREAT JOB on those BTW!!! If/when they make the M&M w/Booby Ducks. I will for sure be getting those.
  20. Hey all...Does anyone have this kit completed? I pre-ordered mine and CANNOT wait for it to arrive. I would like to see some awesome poses of this guy if anyone has any pics to share. THANKS
  21. Vifam7, Good lookin Angel Bird...That valk looks ALOT better than I thought it would.
  22. Kyp, Good lookin valks there mate. I just got around to adding the decals to my Strike Hikky. This was my first experiance with Water Slide decals. I like them alot...I messed up the "UN SPACEY" on the right side of the gun-pod and just now realized that I applied the "UN SPACEY" on both sides upside down. Oooppsss. Eh...no biggie. I still dig this guy. Anyways...to the pics.... EDIT------> I CAN'T WAIT.....I'll have my Max and Minmei Guard soon enough...as soon as I get those I'll do up my Milia and display them all.
  23. Exo, Those are some GREAT pics there mate. I need to get some sort of a background. I have been trying to invent my own lately with materials I have around the house...but I must say I don't have much to work with.
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