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Everything posted by bluemax151

  1. If no one noticed HLJ officially announced they have a special deal with Yamato. By special arrangement with Yamato, we're able to offer a tasty array of exclusive items from the Yamato Online Shop and Yamato Fan Club! Limited "Macross" goods, special versions of PVC figures, limited-edition resin kits--get 'em while the grabbing's good!
  2. Indeed retcon.. or I guess finally some clarification?
  3. HLJ sent me an email about it but there was nothing in stock I really wanted at the time. I preordered the trading figures and they already shipped. 22s are on preorder for Dec etc..
  4. The 22 is actually quasi thought controlled but yeah it has a more traditional cockpit.
  5. SciFi advertised the next episode as airing this now upcoming Friday.
  6. Not so bad when they're doing the "diary" scenes. I just hate the blair witch/cloverfield/etc style although I make an exception for Diary of the Dead which I thought was still pretty good regardless of the camera style/work.
  7. I'm hoping for the latter. They've supposedly not been killing off Kyle Katarn in other mediums because they want to make more of that series.
  8. I ordered it specifically for the Yellows and Houquet. I'll let you know if it's money well spent. It's actually under $80 without shipping. So technically if you order it black friday HLJ is supposedly having some kind of free shipping if you use paypal deal again.
  9. Episodes 7,8 and 9 are pretty boring but just Children of the Gods itself (2 part or the DVD remastered) has more action than what we've seen in Universe so far really. The majority of the combat in Universe was in the first episode and wasn't even ground combat but digital ships and the like. Action to me is 80s action movie action. Now SGU definitely has a lot of "conflict(s)" but I wouldn't say it's "action". I really hate the "amateur camera work" portions so I'm just completely ignoring the time travel reboot episode. You can't even tell what's going on half the time in that episode anyway. EDIT:The pilot is episodes 1&2...
  10. I would strongly disagree with that but the fact it's less action focused isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's letting them explore new concepts and expand on some the other series really haven't. Honestly if the show wasn't Stargate I probably wouldn't even still be watching it (as it's pretty boring imo) but I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt to see where it goes. I really miss the MP5s and P90s. Does the US military even use the G36? Yes they used them in Atlantis but that was technically a multi National force even if the military personnel were all marines(?).
  11. Actually in the movie credits it is only one L but yes in SG1 Richard does make reference to the fact it's TWO Ls. Each Stargate series brings something a little different to the table. Like you mentioned Atlantis is a little more slapstick (kind of in a Hercules/Xena/Andromeda/Brisco County jr/etc sort of way) and it's also a little more fantastically SciFi than SG1. Universe is more about interpersonal relations. It's easy to say "oh well they're trapped together and so it has to be about human issues" but the show was written from the start to trap them together so in essence it's the shtick of the show.
  12. I own all of Stargate released on DVD so far. I don't believe that makes my opinion hold more weight than anyone else's but it's at least an experienced/educated opinion Been a fan since the original Movie. Was a bit worried the series wouldn't have Kurt Russel to carry it. In a lot of ways Richard turned out to be a better O'Neil.
  13. Well that's not the impression I walked away with about SG1. It was way more of an action series with SciFi elements. Sure there is some drama/soap aspects in the series but it does not revolve around them. SGU seems to play up those concepts as it's unique offering within the overall SG franchise.
  14. Beat Dragon Age at lvl 21 (without Warden's Keep). Ending is/was pretty weak actually, probably worse than any of the other Bioware or subcontracted Bioware titles I've played through. Come to think of it, really only the middle of the game was really interesting/drawing. Perhaps they've gone too far in enabling the player to affect the outcome of the story so we're stuck with dialogue text boxes instead of video? I'm left feeling like I played a PS one or NES era title (ex:chronotrigger/star ocean 2). Not to mention much like the rest of the game for the most part you've been given the illusion of choice. Maybe it was always predetermined by the Maker anyway..
  15. I've only seen that promo spot once but I don't watch tv much. They just showed another promo last week with a waterfall shot but no lesbians in that one. SGU is very much more drama or soap than it is hardcore science fiction. It is not at all Stargate (SG1) but instead SGU (whatever that shapes up to be). That could be either good or bad but for the most part to me it's been mediocre so far. It's still the only thing I try to watch religiously on TV though.
  16. 98% of the time I make up percentages a 100% of the time Note: actual product may vary from the photo on the box
  17. ODST has the enemies with that same crazy spatial awareness. Which is ironic because the game has no radar and you're supposed to be able to sneak around in a lot of parts instead of fighting. It's a problem basically every FPS has ever had and probably always will but it's annoying as hell. Oh my complaining about the difference between clips and mags on an anime forum It's not like it matters unless someone try's to put a "clip" in a "mag" well. Everyone knows what you mean anyway. gb2 /k/
  18. Minor spoilers can be avoided by not clicking thumbnail Shale: "The swamp witch has a great deal in common with my former master" Morrigan: "The swamp witch. How original." Shale: "The swamp witch has the same arrogance, the same air of cruelty. I would hate for it to have possession of my control rod, if it still worked of course." Morrigan: "Let me tell you what you can do with your control rod, golem." Shale: "Is it telling me that if the rod did work, it wouldn't want control over me?" Morrigan: "I wouldn't go so far as that. I could, for instance, command you to go jump in a lake. A very deep lake." Shale: "It fools no one, the swamp witch would control everything if it could. It would have us all dancing on its strings." Morrigan: "Oh you know me too well golem. Your revealing gaze has laid me bare." Shale: "I will be watching the swamp witch. It must not be trusted." Morrigan: Sigh "Now your beginning to sound just like Alister."
  19. Again I've paid full price for something that goes deep discount I wonder if this is going to be a reoccurring YF-21/VF-22 thing? Going once on tremendous sale for a limited time only on HLJ that is.
  20. That's really too bad. I opened mine today. Is it just me or was the packaging on this release extremely tight? I tried to pull the tray apart and it took so much force everything just about flew out! M&M wedding figures are pretty well done considering the scale and Miria isn't too squished IMO. Anyone try to put the 1J M&M in the 1D yet?
  21. I dunno I seem to recall a water fall and them being wet and about to rub up on one another but maybe I'm remembering the spot wrong.
  22. I'll use cone of cold on my own tank if I HAVE to but usually it doesn't have to come to that. I am more than a little peeved that walking nightmare is more than a little useless but at least I have Blizzard to cast on the wall of archers/mages that usually are involved in upper tier humanoid encounters. That's certainly a spell I'd be wary of casting on top of my own group Does anyone have an official guide? I didn't get one to avoid spoilers but generally I like to get guides for bathroom reading material. Any really good art or flavour text in either version?
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