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Everything posted by bluemax151

  1. SciFi TV shows get canceled a lot because of the budgets and yes it is kind of lame but that's the biz I suppose. Does kind of kill a person's desire to "follow" a series though. I think Fringe is in danger of being canceled too? At least I still get new Dr. Who, I think.
  2. Considering I avoid DLC solely based on principle (singstar being an exception) I look forward to a possible retail expansion of DAO. My game play calender is starting to get kind of crowded though.
  3. That's nothing, I gave mine away as soon as I preordered M&M 22s I'll still be taking comparison shots between the 21 and all the 22s though, as soon as I get my Max.
  4. If you really want a good box to keep just tell them it's for a gift for someone else. That way the will feel more obligated to oblige you even if the product itself is in good condition. I mean at least if you complain maybe some how disciplinary action or maybe a memo will go out to their packaging/shipping section asking for better handling I've been buying from HLJ since like 1999 and I've had no problems personally. These kind of anecdotes always shock and amaze me.
  5. I seemed to have misplaced my "good" camera so the image quality is a bit questionable but here's a Millia 22 comparison shot. Zaku IIs are an EMSIA Char and MSIA 2.0 Johnny Ridden Hi-Mo. Colour really isn't pastel red IMO, pastel red is more pink/salmon. Definitely not resale red though.
  6. I still have my SNES cart for Turtles in Time and I actually played it again like a week ago. The level names have stuck in my head after all these years, if only I could remember actually important information as easily. They should really do more modern games in this style but maybe 2D with 3D backgrounds. They're a lot of fun with friends and help break up the monotony of FPSs and MMOs.
  7. Looks really nice. It was always interesting how in Votoms dilapidated ATs were a pretty common sight. Almost made it more real when Chirico was fighting for his life in something barely holding together. In most finished products though you get these really factory clean units. Hopefully the new animation will spur more related merchandise.
  8. The Millia looks way better in person so I'm sure the Max will too once I get mine. Don't get me wrong the 21 is pretty nice with the dark blue and yellow stripes but the Millia is no slouch with the white on red. I kind of even like how the triangles near the intake were painted (more like panel lined I suppose) on the 22 as opposed to how they were handled on the 21. I wouldn't mind seeing a non canon 22 in red with black stripes. Like a Nissan 240SX for instance.
  9. Got my Millia. Very happy with it for the most part. Just some small gripes about paint applications and the fact the front landing gear was stuck.
  10. A buddy linked me this pretty good thread on the subject a long time ago. http://www.thetf.net/forum_posts-TID-13204-PN-1.htm People have been using this for Legos (where it's pretty necessary) for a while too.
  11. I think honestly sometimes their system malfunctions or they have some manpower shipping errors. I ordered an RD Unicorn a while back and had originally picked SAL but they inexplicably shipped it EMS even though the value was less than $40. Got a couple sale Revoltechs today that shipped SAL and came in like a week. Got the Virgin Road shipped SAL somehow a while back and it took about 2 weeks. Sometimes it's just a crapshoot I guess.
  12. The CM trading figures are actually pretty nice, nothing spectacular or ground breaking but they get the job done. I have to take good pics of mine at some point. I still need to get the standard Stick MOSPEADA though for the riding stick figure. Right now he's riding 2 up with Shinobu, not that that's a totally unenjoyable experience
  13. To be fair the stand included with the 21 while functional is not optimal. It has a large footprint, it's wobbly, has restricted positioning, and generally falls apart whenever you touch or move it. I didn't much miss it's inclusion with the 22 to be honest.
  14. VF-22S Gamlin (soon to also be Milia I hope). Otherwise TV VF-1A Max AND Kakizaki. I've been waiting what seems like forever to make TV Vermillion.
  15. Eliza has some serious issues with her facial expressions but honestly I don't see Dichen or Enver acting any better. In fact they are kind of bad with their facial expressions as well but still better than Eliza. The acting in the show in general is pretty stiff.
  16. When in doubt I just check the country calling codes site. It's got a pretty idiot proof setup. http://www.countrycallingcodes.com/
  17. It's pretty funny when people complain about someone's acting skill when there are various examples of big name actors who are hugely successful and couldn't act to save their lives. Rarely are productions successful because their talent is superior. I'll go back to watching Bring It On now
  18. Fully articulated hands would be nice on paper but various fixed posed hands would probably be better in application. Basically do what MSIA/EMSIA/RD/etc does but for the 1/60s. Fists Gunpod hands open hands fore grip hands double axe hands?
  19. My Millia shipped solo. Now when my Max ships I'll have gotten like 5 seperate parcels for the month of Dec. Although technically I probably won't receive Max until like January. Kind of annoying actually.
  20. My M&M 1Js came while I was away on vacation. Haven't had a chance to open them as of yet but the boxes are pretty
  21. My order shipped, so I guess it really was processing
  22. Side covers are obvious and should have already been included. I like what's been mentioned so far but if they do pilots can we please have TV&DYRL grunts standing and sitting also? I don't even use the stickers they come with now as I learned my lesson fro GI Joe in the 80s. Water slides would be appreciated.
  23. M&M 1Js say Dec restock but processing for shipping under my open order details. Bear in mind I already had one order ship today so if they are in stock I have no idea why they didn't ship.
  24. I got the RD Unicorn. It's alright but without panel lining it's pretty boring.
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