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Everything posted by Vi-RS

  1. Vi-RS

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    With that square hand, is it safe to say that this is a dyrl VF-1J?
  2. Yes I have the coating removed fairly easily. The coating simply flaked off by rubbing it with finger since a big chunk is bubbling, clean the rest with damp cloth. This one came as it is the day I took it out from box, so I believe it's bad prepping before application.
  3. I have slightly over 100+ of every yamato, and this is the only one with this problem. Some people have similar problem as well, but not a big problem. As many has said it's only the coating inside that get bubbling, so just peel it off then it's as good as new like the later version without rainbow coating.
  4. Vi-RS

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    IMO yamarcadia gets the proportion right by having the heat-shied the same in height as the upper chest. The 1/35 version looks odd especially on the tiny overhang red stripe because the upper Chest is only 1/3 of the heat-shield. Again, it's probably bandai focuses on fighter mode.
  5. Vi-RS

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    At this scale it better has rotating and sliding cockpit for the pilot to get out in battroid mode.
  6. Vi-RS

    Hi-Metal R

    Besides the head sculpt, so bandai also improved the locking mechanism by having a notch on the chest plate and back plate?
  7. Vi-RS

    Hi-Metal R

    Because it's Bandai.
  8. CLosed.....
  9. While we were complaining how thick the intake is on the Arcadia's, it's interesting to see how Bandai comes up with theirs by having a separate tiny piece attached to fill the gap in fighter mode.
  10. To keep the rate of rejected parts down?
  11. It's a suicide to press that "G" button in the cockpit.
  12. So all the helmets are flooded with the extra bits of 911 and Masei.
  13. I think there are other die cast contents in the canopy and elbow in silver color.
  14. More pictures http://ameblo.jp/digitamin/entry-11918905866.html
  15. It says 36,800 + tax in the flyer.
  16. 36,800
  17. I figure it's done with the incorrect colors, extra markings and stickers to proactively get away from the originality (license)?
  18. I thought Mr. K was saying that he is repairing the prototype for yet another photo session?
  19. Yes I feel the same way that the V1 is pretty much like the 1/48 VF-1 sharing the identical proportion and built quality for which it came out from the same era, but we are looking at somthing like V2 VF-1.
  20. So it can't withstand a couple transformations for a photo session, where is the cancel button?
  21. The visor in these pictures appears to be painted, but I'm not sure about the first picture where it's mounted on the helmet. It'd be the mold to begin with if it wasn't the paint drippings or runs.
  22. The red color on the helmet looks vinyl wrapped instead of painted.
  23. The blue.....
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