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Everything posted by Vi-RS

  1. I found this picture on the net, anyone know what regult is it? Is it an old Imai kit in 1/72 scale or resin cast kit?
  2. I wish they will do the low viz scheme as they did with 1/48 1A in the 1/60:
  3. It's a prototype painted on existing white valkyrie instead of molded in plastic so we still don't know the final color.
  4. The gray VF-1S looks cool.
  5. But too bad they don't have these in 1/72 scale.
  6. I thought the Hasegawa ground crew sets work pretty well. At 1/72 scale, they actually fit the 1/60 and in fact the figure is slightly bigger than the valkyrie pilots. I love it pretty much, all you need to do is paint them in orange uniform like what we have seen in the movie. I think we need some bigger scale factory deck and official Macross factory deck, but you can customize from Kotobukiya base.
  7. ok, I get you. It's all about the inconsistent diameter of the metal rod that goes through the hinge.
  8. I am still confursed what cause the shoulder issues, mine are all fine. (TOUCH WOOD). Did you guy ever lift the shoulder to do the swing?
  9. I really like the color scheme and hopefully Yamato will come out with this variation to milk their mold. And of course, a figurine of Minmay guard in the package is a MUST.
  10. cool
  11. I am wondering how does the heatshield works on these 1/100 toynami valkyrie?
  12. Do you have picture of Bandai 1/100 VF-1 line?
  13. it's simple, you are looking at part that will swing and rotate, the paint will chip off eventually and make it more ugly.
  14. If you plan to do it in diecast or alluminium, there is really no point to paint them in the first place.
  15. I do agree that the color is a bit over done on yellow, desert dust won't stick on a fighter and it does look like it's been abondoned for quite a while. In real life, the fighter jet will have patchy color difference and typical brushed weathered on wing. and heavily weathered fighter:
  16. Do you have to seal it with clear? If you don't, will it stick all over your hand when you handle the toy?
  17. Finally can do this pose with the double elbow joints on V2.
  18. I believe it's out. Is it the same shade as Kakizaki? Or maybe darker? I don't quite like the tan on the Kakizaki, kinda desert like tan and I can't wait to get the mass production type CF 1A.
  19. My recent purchase shows that I have to pay 4,700yen for 2 V2 VF-1 shipped to Georgia via EMS.
  20. My bad. I didn't see them in the main listing of Mega Sales page but only the woodland GBP-1S armor.
  21. Some people do think size does matter, but I love all the new features in V2 VF-1 and it's a good size toy in 1/60: 1. First VF-1 toy that has double elbow 2. Head is scuplted and composed from front and rear piece so no more seamline, not left and right like 1/48. 3. A better propportion chest plate 4. Leg are attached at a better proportion location. 5. New tooling technology enable the toy look seemless and part are fit together nicely. Well, it's just me. To each of its own, with no doubt that 1/48 look great in fighter mode.
  22. It's too late, the 1/48 angel bird is gone.
  23. Dude, go to Yamato website to find out what are best improved features they have on the new V2 1/60. There are lots of pictures in there: http://www.yamato-toys.com/dev/cont_049/index.html Go here to find out what is the difference between 1/48 and 1/60 V2: http://www.yamato-toys.com/dev/cont_041/index.html With no doubt, V2 1/60 is the best VF-1 toy out thre in term of price, size, and accuracy. It's basically value for its money.
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