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Everything posted by Vi-RS

  1. Vi-RS

    Valks Peripherals...

    so where to buy these and when do they get released, by Yamato or the company who makes the mold?
  2. One of my Roy Fokker VF-1S comes with busted canopy right from the box, it seems like Roy was hit with couple shots in his cockpits. The actual problem is the rainbow coating, which was sprayed on the inside of canopy, is cracking and peeling off. I wonder who has this problem before?
  3. I've seen this back in 80s, quality is quite good with the exception that there is a hole at the end of the nose where it connects the chest plate due to fitment problem. Now with all the resissues, I'll go for the reissue since those are the original for a very affordable price these days. Ever since I know Yamato, I've totally abondoned the chunky monkey, and I'm sure that Bandai won't bring out the whole line like Yamato does.
  4. yummy............ let's go hooters
  5. yucks, toynami valkyries. A modern production toy with old technology stolen from the old days design of Imai model kit.
  6. If you have a budget to fund your toy, I'd say sell off the /48 and start the complete line of V2 instead of getting some V2 to fill what have not been released by 1/48 line. I like my toy collection in the same scale,
  7. The original range from $150 to $200, I don't think the knockoff worth much value these days since we have so many options to get a real deal out there from Yamato or Toynami.
  8. I'd say rainbow tint effect, it's not orange. It's real life accurate that real world canopy does has UV coat. The V2 does has better construction over 1/48, all parts are snapped together flushly.
  9. dude, we all know this is bootleg. what exactly is your point and I am not very sure what you were trying to say with the color scheme?
  10. It's exactly what came in my mind. The resin cast kit by Club M and most model kits were having white on dyrl. I'm a little disappointed when VF-1J Hikie is white, so do Hayan 1A and Max 1A. I think the gray on dyrl scheme are perfect, TV scheme valkyrie will look much better in light gray especially Max 1A and Kakizaki 1A. The white plastic look kinda cheap. I prefer them all in light gray, but oh well............
  11. Hmm I was wondering why Yamato did white color on TV valkyries while gray on dyrl valkyries, I thought the color is the other way around?
  12. I was just gonna say that.
  13. not everyone is toy collector, we buy the toy because we love the anime. we love it so much we want to have the best representation of the valkyrie in toy form that we can have a piece of it. Lots of people sold them to fund the new and better one, there are people out there who are selling the 1/48 to fund the 1/60 V2 because the new V2 is way much better and complete with all schemes that keep coming out throughout the year.
  14. Vi-RS

    Valks Peripherals...

    pretty much like bug stain.
  15. Vi-RS

    Valks Peripherals...

  16. Vi-RS

    Valks Peripherals...

    That's exactly how it was because you live in your own world to think that you should sit in the head to maneuver the machine. Seriously, are you sure you are watching Macross and not some other Robocraps?
  17. Vi-RS

    Valks Peripherals...

    I do think that these 2 extra parts are essential.
  18. Vi-RS

    Valks Peripherals...

    please dun tell me another exclusive.
  19. Vi-RS

    Valks Peripherals...

    They do have 2 seaters:
  20. Why you people can not accept the fact that this is a painted prototype and NOT a mass production finished product?
  21. Indeed I actually think the current V2 transformation is kinda cool because the swing bar works together with the hatch, the catch is you have snag the swing bar in with an angle so that the swing bar force the hatch to close at the mean time. http://www.yamato-toys.com/dev/cont_057/index.html The new crotch design is very straight forward, place the swing bar in, then close the hatch. I am concern that the hatch might not fully secured with small tabs benealth it, and you are getting chance of snapping off the small tab.
  22. it's the same deal they have done on 1/48, I'd rather have it color matched as well though.
  23. Take your V2 out and compare it with the ve-1, it's a huge different. As you can see, now that the crotch hatch on the ve-1 has same width as the landing gear, so it means that you can open the crotch hatch hinge as picture shown here, put the crotch in and close the crotch hatch. It's pretty much the same mechanism like the 1/48. The point of this new crotch hatch is you don't have to force the crotch at one angle to slide it in with the crotch hatch anymore. All you need to do is put the crotch in and close the hatch. The didn't change the crotch, they just change the hatch U shape, which makes it larger so that the hatch can be closed whent the crotch is set in place. In other words, now the U shape has bigger room so that the hatch can bypass the crotch swing bar when it's in place. Do you understand?
  24. From the picture of VE-1, I notice that you open the door hinge at landing gear, insert the crotch in only then you can close the hinge again, pretty much like 1/48. It's pretty obvious as you can see from the picture: So you don't have to point the crotch at certain angle to slide in between the door hinge and force the door hinge to close up when you insert the clotch in. What is the point of buying all these case and case of toys to keep in box or take out for display? Transform it and enjoy the toy.
  25. what is the chance of Yamato do it on the new V2 line? Does Yamato has legal license resistance with the scheme?
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