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Everything posted by Vi-RS

  1. I think part of it is because the toy is too naked in bear plastic, every destroid should deserve some serious weathering effect on it, I didn't like mine as well when I first got them out of the box, too plain. The Olive Drab version is a must have, now only Tomahawk is on sale, sooner or later Defender will be on sale.
  2. Most of the time the VF-1S in later episodes are gray in the space.
  3. I love my CF 1J, load it up with armors.......
  4. agreed. It's very obvious that for the first time we have all the VF-1 variations, V2 is the way to go these days. I've seen 1/48 in toy shop but I've never had any interest to buy them, they are too big and less details, and I will never ever consider to buy them because all my money will go to V2.
  5. It's V2 1/60, dude. You probably kick yourself for many other things that you don't get in 1/48 namely the 2 seaters.....
  6. not my cup of tea with the scuplt, the best super deformed valkyrie is a model kit made by Bandai in 1990.
  7. it could be woodland color, tv version, dyrl version, low viz....... we don't know, silhouette will work this way....
  8. Warning.......Warning...... Hikaru Ichijoe, you are too close to me, you are too close to me.........
  9. It looks like a pretty decent book from Yamato, highly recommended by Showji Kawamori. Lots of Yamatao V2 VF-1 in diorama setting, spec sheet, VF-1 scheme variations............ http://www.yamato-toys.com/items/detail.ph...nk=index_pickup ヴァリアブルファイター・マスターファイル VF-1バルキリー 2009年7月15日 発売 メーカー希望小売価格  2,625 円 超時空要塞マクロスに登場したVF-1バルキリーを実機として捉えた専門書籍第一弾がついに登場。 異星人との戦闘を想定して開発された人類史上初の可変戦闘機VF-1バルキリー。 本書ではVF-1の開発史から運用までを解説。 青空をバックに飛行するVF-1の空撮カットをはじめ、図解による機体分析、さらに武装、バリエーションなどを詳細に掲載。 航空機専門書籍さながらのテイストで、成層圏内において運用されたVF-1を徹底解説します。 巻末には模型作りに役立つVF-1 部隊カラー&マーキングを収録! 可変戦闘機VF-1バルキリーを徹底解説 ◆河森正治氏 大絶賛! 「安易に“リアリティ”などと言わないでほしい。この1冊は、マクロスがアニメーションで描いた“ディフォルメ”を創造と理論によって巧みに補完し、実に緻密でデカルチャーな“航宙専門誌”へと昇華させている」 (商品帯より転載) ◆目次◆ 004 VF Photo Files/VF フォトファイル 018 VF-1 5-Side View/VF-1 五面図 1/72 024 Structure and system of the VF-1/VF-1バルキリーの構造とシステム 040 Cutaway Drawing of the VF-1/VF-1バルキリー機体構造図 042 Cockpit System/VF-1のコクピットシステム 045 Weapons & Stores for the VF-1/VF-1搭載兵装 052 Haward GU-11 Gunpod/ハワード GU-11ガンポッド 054 Block Numbers and Details/VF-1の生産ブロック解説 058 VF-1 Variations/VF-1バリエーションズ 061 The Variable Fighter/可変戦闘機としてのVF-1 066 Transformation Sequence/VF-1変形シークエンス 068 Caution sign and Modex/VF-1コーションデータ 074 Pilot Suites/統合軍可変戦闘機パイロットスーツ 075 The Over Technology of Macross At The VF-1 Series/VFにおけるOTM 079 Thermonuclear Turbine Engine/VF-1の熱核タービンエンジン 081 Development of The VF-1 Series/VF-1バルキリー開発史 089 VF-0 Phoenix/VF-0フェニックス 090 The Story of Streak Valkyrie's Challenge/ストリークバルキリーの挑戦 094 VF-1 Squadrons 2009-2014/VF-1部隊配置 096 VF-1 Operations/VF-1部隊運用 100 CVS-101 Prometheus/CVS-101プロメテウス 108 Extra Files of VF "VF-1JA"/VFエクストラファイル「VF-1JA」 119 Squadron Marking of "Valkyrie" /VF-1 部隊カラー&マーキング
  10. I am earger to know the details of the GBP-1S armor. The V1 was kinda funky looking and the 1/48 is superb, I seriously hope that the V2 will be much better than the 1/48. I'm not sure how Yamato is gonna deal with the crotch area on V2 since the V2 don't have removable nose con, so maybe the crotch armor piece will be pretty long.
  11. It's only a matter of time. No official picture yet? I really can't wait to see the final product.
  12. why don't you attach the photo, we can't view the picture because we are not register in that forum.
  13. Kakizaki dyrl 1A, Max dyrl 1A are still pending because OD bund it with vt-1 shipment. My Hikkie Strike is in Battroid mode so I didn't throw him in.... lol........ I am too lazy to dig them out with my fat finger.
  14. yes that's a swap. From official picture of yamato for kakizaki 1A, CF 1J and CF 1A, they appear to have different shades of tan but now it's confirmed that kakizaki 1A and CF 1J have the same color. I hope CF 1A will have darker color. I can't wait the CF 1A so I decided to do the swap.
  15. The VR in picture is painted prototype, not actual mass production unit.
  16. so it's basically the same kit as previous release?
  17. I second that, head pilot.
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