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Everything posted by Vi-RS

  1. double
  2. I hope next year seriously, too much V2 valkyries to pursue.............
  3. http://www.yamato-toys.com/dev/release_034...nk=index_pickup
  4. Vi-RS

    1:18th Valk?

    You will most likely hang the god damn thing from celing to collect dust.
  5. Then why not make it 1/60 scale? 1/60 is the hottest scale now! I do hope Yamato will make those in 1/60 scale one day, with all different types of missiles attachment, tactical pod....
  6. I have never owned or seen the 1/48 version, but I guess it's basically a neck piece to fill the gap between the head base and the backpack, makes sense. It could be one of them, I agree. The small piece below the hip armors is to cover up the nose cone tip I guess.
  7. anyone know what is the piece besides the NW corner of chest plate armor? And the piece below the feet covers?
  8. It's right below the SHOULDER ARMORs, it seems like it's slightly shorter than the 1/48. I really appreciate that, now the whole figure looks much proportionate, all previous release and chunky monkey have the problem of tiny foot. I'm completely sold with V2!!! The only thing that makes me feel 1/48 chunky is the leg armors, too fat and chunky........ I love V2. and DONT FORGET, you will get the VF-1J with NEW CROTCH!!!!!!
  9. I agree, it needs the movie hands to go with the armors. Do you guys see side covers? It's so beautiful. I love it and can't wait to have it in my hands.....
  10. There is no deny that 1/48 is a great toy back then, but with the evolving technology that Yamato gains over the previous toys, you can see the improvement expected in V2. With the capability to fold the fins on the legs, now I can see the leg armors are way much slimmer on V2 and more anime accurate.
  11. It's DYRL version, sweet. It also means that it will be sold along with the VF-1J for the first release.
  12. very nice pictures, you should put it in the strike a pose thread to beat the others.........
  13. I'm holding my cash for every scheme of V2, no 1/48, no Macross plus, no macross frontier.
  14. The CF VF-1A is in darker tone, coming out soon so I'd say you might wanna hold the project. I don't like the idea to paint the V2, too many tabs and tight transformation unless you wanna keep it in battroid mode.
  15. It says fall 2009, my guess is phalanx will come out eventually and I'm sure they will go for the purple variant of phalanx, I do doubt about Spartan.
  16. Vi-RS

    Valks Peripherals...

    It's no brainer with the price tag of 3000yen and only 20 sets available. Yamato should have started doing V2 accessary pack and I'm sure more sales could be generated from that.
  17. LMAO.......... I wish I have the stand too.
  18. double posts
  19. Sorry Scott.
  20. Early bird 3% off still has a price tag of $100, I think OD has a better price for 89.99.
  21. That's 50% offer....
  22. Vi-RS

    Valks Peripherals...

    damn I really hate exclusive. They should have included that in VF-1D as an accessary and have the baby pod or rescue pod in Miria. Anyway, anyone can do transalation? すっかりクーラー病にかかりつつある 今日この頃。みすたーKです。頭痛が酷いです。 さて、WFに同志が来る話しの続きです。最終回。 おさらいですが、来る7/26(日)に幕張にてワンフェスが行われます。勿論やまとも出展しますが、今回は「T-REX」さんと言う同志も参戦。「やまと1/60VF-1対応オプションパーツセット」なる物を販売。うちのVF-1を着飾ってくれるパーツを販売して頂けるのです!内容は「コミリアコンテナ」「頭部ハッチから伸びた単座シート」「同複座シート」の3種類のセット!価格¥3,000-!前回までに言い忘れました数量がなんと20セット!?(もっと販売して欲しいのですが・・・。大人の事情がありまして。 それでは3つ目の「複座シート」を紹介。 頭を倒して複座パーツを取り付けた図。下段(設定ではコクピットからスライドするので下段が前席)に輝君。上段に・・・・・ん?こっこれは?? よく見るとこの機体はVT-1!? 複座シートはこの高さ!1Dでやらないのはご愛嬌。しかし私だけでしょうか?シートよりもVT-1の頭部に目が行ってしまうのは・・・。首でちゃんと保持してる優れものです。 恒例のバックショット。私の好みです。・・・足を乗せる部分が見受けられますが、うちのパイロットの足は・・・・。VT-1の頭部アンテナも保持!併せて凄い! ・・・途中でVT-1のコメントが入りましたが、本来は同志の記事が正解です。 今までにこんなレアパーツを見たことがないですね。この機会にどうっすか? 数量も限られているので、お早めにお買い求め下さいませ。尚、会場内は走らないで楽しんでおくんなまし。 もっと知りたい人は「T-REX」のページへダイブ!! http://www.t-rextoys.co.jp/index.html{...#12390;。 そんなこんなで、お付き合いして頂きましてありがとう。 WFで「T-REX」「やまと」のブースへ遊びに来てくれると有難いです。 やまとブースでも色んなもんを販売しますので、よってらっしゃいよ。ねぇ。 そんでは会場で(マク担はいないかもです)お会いしましょう!! ごきげんあそばせ!!
  23. ok, I read it the 2nd time and I guess what it says is they found some dead stock from the warehouse. It could be anything previously released but significant, 1/48 first edition LV 1A? hahaha.......
  24. Vi-RS

    Valks Peripherals...

    Yamato, please tell me NO exclusive.
  25. I was wondering what was that, but I thought it says something bring to life or reissue...
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