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Everything posted by Vi-RS

  1. I understood what adrian said. What I am wondering is how well the 1/48 line has been doing. I am seeing Yamato wanted to squeeze more money on 1/60 line to make it weathering exlusive, but the 1/48 line that need preorder with deposit in advance means the stock is very very limited due to low demand.
  2. In other words, the 1/48 line didn't do pretty well like the V2 which is both scale and price friendly. correct me if I am wrong.
  3. Don't get me wrong, bring on more toy info. We are poisoned by yamato anyway.... I am not sure about the Destroids since I haven't got mine, but the Max's weathering came with an extra waterslide decal sheet, yes you heard it right, it's water slide decal, not standard sticker sheet.
  4. Well I don't know which MW forumer that you are referring to, but I do know Zoukei Musyuku done that. He actually custom made a perfect transformation kit for 1/72 Hasegawa kit. As you can see, the kit even has a chest plate side covers, which is amazing. Picture reference from 2002 OCT Model graphix:
  5. I have never planned to leave out any V2 except weathering version.
  6. bummer. I was hoping it comes with custom decals like Hasegawa did, but oh well.... gotta look for after market decal sheet....
  7. rick, you are evil. I went to place my preorder for the Destroids last night, I need to stop suscribing MW.
  8. yup, I couldn't find it from any lineart as well. I guess Hasegawa just throw them in for end consumer's imagination. You did it good on your kit.
  9. I know I am digging out this old thread. Great looking kits. I got question, does the special "Just Married" marking officially illustrated on the marking plan or you do it with your own preference? Is there a supporting lineart where to apply those?
  10. exactly I am gonna pick up both weathering tomahawk and defender as well. The olive colors are sick too.
  11. Some are missing from the list, the 1/48 vf-1s, 1/60 Max 1S and Hikkie.....
  12. That's exactly what I expected, it's temporarily fix like cleaning automobile headlights unless you apply a protective coat to shield it.
  13. good idea.
  14. I think those decals are not official then eventhough it appears on Hasegawa kit, it never show where to apply.
  15. They question is how do they get to sell that since it's yamato web exclusive?
  16. weathering exclusive is next.
  17. Anyone has the sticker sheet on VF-1D VR?
  18. I doubt that, headlights turns yellowing or foggy starting from the top especially those new car that has large surface facing up. If yellow bulbs cause that then the yellowing will start from the front of headlight but not starting from where the surface facing up. Anyway, my question is how the thing works and will it last?
  19. I wonder this is temporarily fix or permanent. The reason I ask is basically I understood that the surface of the plastic that was oxidised has been washed off. Leaving the undernealth virgin plastic so it looks new. I wonder it will speed up the process later on since the surface of the plastic was chemically washed out. It's pretty much the same thing as automobile plastic headlights's len which turn yellowed over years because the surface was oxidized. Some people do water sanding and it turns out great, but it comes back 3 or 6 months later on and faster than before. Brand new headlights is coated with protective coat to prevent that so basically we are removing the yellowing protective coat. This is also why brand new vehicle will have rainbow effect surface and those are the protecitve coat.
  20. where did you pre-ordered yours and how much? OD? I was asking them about that but they never get back to me. I understand that it's gonna cost a lot for them to special order something like that because you have to pay shipping from Yamato to them, then shipping to us plus service charges.
  21. I am curious too because I am not sure whether it comes with these decals:
  22. with a superostrich fastpack on top?
  23. Great, I am looking at these for my coming customize projects: Minmay One night in Paris Minmay Guard Will be workin on these from other valkyries with the decal handy. Blue Roses Arm 7 SVC-8 2500th Valkyrie
  24. Agreed, that non canon thread basically cover everything except cannon. I would like to have the own thread for this white V2 1S.
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