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Everything posted by Vi-RS

  1. Vi-RS

    Hi-Metal R

    But the windows and doors come in standard sizes.
  2. Vi-RS

    Hi-Metal R

    What's up with the "H2" marking on the nosecone of Milia's VF-1J?
  3. Pretty much the same except some minor twitches on the nosecone's hatch where it meets the crotch bar and joints are tightened in the correct torque. This is probably the best representation of vf-1 in toy form IMO, but I think the chunky monkey may be your best bet if the proportion and sculpt is what you care the least for. It holds the gun tight in the hand, easily transformed between modes without fears to break anything, and for a lot less in price too.
  4. Vi-RS

    Hi-Metal R

    I think that's how the brownie looks like, it's some sort of beige to go with that brown. I always like that kinda colors combination, white is too much on the brown. With that said, I prefer the Yamato dyrl brownie over the tv version when it comes to color.
  5. It needs a dark wash to wear it out.
  6. Vi-RS

    Hi-Metal R

    No, two heads are included. The TV and movie version have completely different sculpts.
  7. Vi-RS

    Hi-Metal R

    It's an interesting way to do that, and I'm surprise that Bandai will go that far for accuracy on this scale. Yamato didn't do that probably because the head compartment is larger or the eye piece is not protruding like the Bandai's.
  8. Vi-RS

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm glad that the VF-1A is having some sort of grayish beige instead of white to go with the brown. What's up with the rotating eye piece?
  9. Vi-RS

    Hi-Metal R

    You do know that the new one has corrected chest stripes, chest filler pieces and improved head sculpt, right? That's what makes me wanted to get this release. I can care less about the one in gbp bundle since it gets dressed up with the armor pieces anyway.
  10. Vi-RS

    Hi-Metal R

    The VF-1J looks so much better by getting rid of the blinking painted feet, corrected chest stripes and improved head scuplt.
  11. The arm of the first version will fall off by itself, so I won't even bother to put more weigt on it.
  12. Vi-RS

    Hi-Metal R

    The dyrl suit pilot does look like an adult in that cockpit comparing to the tv one.
  13. That concept is flawed. You can get the VF-1S for dirt cheap when it becomes shelfwarmer, but the line will be dropped. On the real side, I'm tired to see the Roy's and Hikaru's VF-1S keep popping up. Most people who collect these already have one at the minimum, so what they need are the 2-seater and other paint schemes. Yet if the heroic paint schemes won't sell, why even bother to bring out the less popular Valkyrie schemes? With that in mind, I'd say that the line is way over its peak. The $250 price tag makes things even worse. I remember paying $70~90 for a single Valkyrie and $130~$150 for the bundle with fast pack when the line was fresh.
  14. Vi-RS

    Hi-Metal R

    Hopefully we will see all the Destroids before the 2-seater.
  15. That makes me love the earliest Yamato off-white more than anything else.
  16. I agree. I think they are just having inconsistency. The so called "Hikaru Ichijo Type" and "Roy Focker Special" are basically the same thing which referred as exclusive paint scheme for a specific character, and it has nothing to do with movie or tv.
  17. Vi-RS

    Hi-Metal R

    There were many instances in the past that not all toys in the line get released. We all hope that your imagination is true, but that's not always the case.
  18. This my all time favorite pose.
  19. Check the way they pose the angle at intake and feet.
  20. Vi-RS

    Hi-Metal R

    I agree. The glaug, regult and Monster are another level of toy, in par with Arcadia, which is much superior than their HMR VF-1 in term of craftsmanship, fitment and materials. Can't wait to meet the Destroids.
  21. I know that very well, but nerver mind if you didn't get that.
  22. That's what defines the beauty of the Yamato off-white over the lately pinky white. It has such a distinctive weathered appearance. I have white cars, but it's always the off-white with a tint of yellowish into it,
  23. I think you won't have the issue if you bought the real Valkyrie kit by Hasegawa.
  24. I still like the first off-white version, but it's just me.
  25. Vi-RS

    Hi-Metal R

    Those look great, but you can use the clear plastic sheet as the platform of each figure to make these look much better.
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