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Everything posted by Vi-RS

  1. ve-1, vt-1, vf-1d, virgin road, I won't call it a complete collection without them.
  2. It's a good deal I guess because that is the lowest I have seen. I won't even touch anything on 1/48 though because the line is never going to be complete like V2. I guess this is also the reason it never get sold like it used to be above $300.
  3. what's up with OD selling 1/60 V2 unpainted for $95.99, which is much more expensive than regular scheme? http://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/produc...roducts_id=1660
  4. I'd be getting the Roy if it's a new cutting with new crotch, my concern is whether they are trying to getting rid of old stock from first batch with cracking shoulder issues. I don't like the Hikaru's version though, the weathering effect is unreal and funny which is directly opposed to what it should have been done. Darker shade should fall around panel line and lighten out to the middle of panel, but they are doing the weathering at the middle of panel?
  5. It seems like Roy Fokker VF-1S is getting weathered and online exclusive. I actually like this one very much, the weathering is nicely done, not too light, not too heavy. I'm just wondering these are new mold with new crotch or basically some marketing add on from the 1st batch to move the old stocks? http://www.yamato-toys.com/ec/items/detail.php?gid=1515 http://www.yamato-toys.com/dev/release_049...l?infolnk=index
  6. We all know these come in assembled and unassembled, the point is this is the same toy that needs screw and glue, not new model kit.
  7. This is a pre-assembly toy, not new model kit from yamato.
  8. VF-1A Angle Birds is on the way..... I thought they might do some other custom schemes like they did in 1/48 line, but I guess the economy is really slow and not cost effective to run in low volume with those less desirable schemes. I always wanted the blue rose, minmay guards, low viz scheme in VF-1A. I guess it makes sense for them to sell these blank valk for our own custom job.
  9. I always thought they will milk more schemes from V2 before they release the blank version.
  10. Vi-RS

    New KO valkyrie?

    i'm not surprise, in fact I am looking forward some company KO the Yamato's V2.... The banpresto valkyrie is horrible to start with, but if you happen to go to Asia then you will see there are lots of transformer bootleg on billet card.
  11. They have the problem on first cutting basically roy vf-1s and hikaru vf-1a, and probably vf-1s as well. They fixed it basically after Max tv vf-1a I guess. The CF 1A is solid.
  12. double post.
  13. The CF is solid.
  14. Great, but all i want now is AB.
  15. I am pretty positive that the stand alone armor will be available in 2010. All we can do at this point is start the waiting game.
  16. Which part of the head wont stay in place? The ball socket btw head and neck or the peg btw neck and torso? I reckcon the joint, apply nail polisher or glue shall help. Mine stay in place but will come off with little force.
  17. I guess those infamous valkyrie like vf-1d and kakizaki vf-1a will only get one time deal production, which makes sense accoding to demand. You might wanna shop around before they are all gone , the last chance is evil bay.
  18. dig her closet, you might find clothing and diamonds in surprise.
  19. Vi-RS

    macross sdf 1

    yes, you are right, it's still consider a prototype which has been run in small volume. These are molded in HDP as stated by Yamtato which only used in doing prototype of toys. Paying $2000 for a toy sounds hillarious, but paying $2000 for a prototype to own a piece of the macross history doesn't sound that much.
  20. I actually like the new paint scheme on these V2 AB. Me too, I guess it's the darker blue they are using on these new AB, and they also make the blue & red stripes wider on chest plate, which is a good move. I hope that fan racer is not something so unique in clear version to make this AB skyrocketed in price coz I really don't need another fan racer in clear plastic.
  21. That pretty much explains you have no idea on the design of vf-1 to compromise in both figther and battroid modes.
  22. Vi-RS

    macross sdf 1

    This is not prototype, it's already mass produced final products assembled by Yamato. There is further development advised by Yamato on a smaller scale up to date though.
  23. Both Bandai and Yamato is different animal. When Yamato went from 1/48 to 1/60 V2, it's a different stories because the V2 is way much better on everything and the only thing that 1/48 beats the 1/60 is size. Needless to say, the V2 1/60 virtually almost hase done the whole line as seen in TV and dyrl with the exception of couple off animation schemes that 1/48 had. Putting the sculpt aside, Bandai, on the other hand, has fewer details and gimmicks comparing with Yamato 1/60, and it's smaller in 1/100 scale. Considering that I already have the complete line of V2, this is an easy pass for me. Not that Bandai will sell this 1/100 scale cheap, it's gonna be easily 6000~7000 yen.
  24. Vi-RS

    macross sdf 1

    Over 600 pieces of parts, including screws. End product will be partially assembled. More pictures:
  25. no kidding? I thought it was 92 over 1 the last time I checked. This hobby is slowly melting my bank account...
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