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Everything posted by Vi-RS

  1. Oh yeah almost forgot that kit Arii put up couple years back. Thanks for reminding me. I think if you read through the thread then you should know it's exclusive.
  2. There are lots of 6 feet tall figure in Japan, maybe he needs to fly there to meet with yamato crew to build that.
  3. what is the large valkyrie on the shelf? It looks a bit too big for 1/48.
  4. Can someone tell me what online exclusive crap Yamato is trying to put up this time? It's announced yesterday and it says limited edition and I don't see any special on it? My best guess is weathering super/strike pack to go with the weathering Roy & Hikaru's VF-1S.... http://www.yamato-toys.com/dev/release_050/index.html よりリアルな表現のために、数量限定で展開している新1/60VF-1“ウェザリング仕様”シリーズ。すでに「VF-1S マックス機」「VF-1J 一条輝機(ハイパーホビー限定)」を経て現在「VF-1S ロイ・フォッカー機」と「VF-1S 一条輝機(電撃屋限定)」がラインナップされていますが、ご購入いただいたファンの皆さまからもっとも多くのお声をいただいているのが「スーパーパーツにもウェザリング仕様を!」というもの。 この本当にたくさんのご要望にお応えしてついに「スーパー&ストライクパーツ ウェザリング特別仕様」が登場です。みなさんの持つウェザリング仕様のVF-1を、ぜひ「ストライクバルキリー」や「スーパーバルキリー」に換装してください!
  5. Vi-RS

    Valks Peripherals...

    It seems to me that what T-rextoys has done on the side covers has more details than Yamato did on their GBP-1S armor set. The neck cover is the other way around though.
  6. so this is how the unassembled plain valkyrie looks like in box:
  7. I won't know what it is, but I am curious why can't they have computer printed label instead of crappy hand writing on it? It's photo copy on top of that..... The bigwest label is legit though.
  8. Vi-RS

    Valks Peripherals...

    This is why I hate yamato on the other side of my shoulder. They should have included the side covers and neck cover as standard equipment instead of giving those stupid clips that I don't use anyway.
  9. with all due respect, I think this thread is useless now since they are going to do these Wonderfest 2010 exclusive. A big disappointment.
  10. 1/3000 scale is good size for production and price point.
  11. someone already have their SDF-1 from yamato.
  12. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=11308
  13. I must say that jenius did a great job to point out the difference between V1 and V2. V1 was amazing when it first came out 10 years ago, my jaw drops when I first seen the pictures because finally after 15 years there is someone really care about VF-1 and did a great toy out of it. Still remember the prototype pictures when it first came out? The 2nd generation 1/48 VF-1 is much more superior in term of size, transformation and proportion. Then last year we have the best VF-1 toy, V2 announced, and it's by far the best toy representative of VF-1 except size. It's far more superior than 1/48 with the latest technology put into it. Here are the comparison of 1/48 and V2. http://www.yamato-toys.com/dev/cont_049/index.html
  14. V2 is basically is V1 upgrade, regarded as 3rd generation of VF-1 toy line done by Yamato.
  15. that sounds like a more scheme release instead of detailed up kit.
  16. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...0&start=630
  17. Another yamato exclusive....... Seriously I did it over the weekend when I was bored. I don't like heavy panel line so I did lighgt panel line with light weathering...
  18. Found this from Yamato blog, I don't know what he was talking about Roy TV pilot, but I guess he meant he wish it came with Roy TV pilot. ■フォッカー少佐追悼記念? 2009年12月。あの伝説的パイロットである、地球統合軍所属スカル隊隊長ロイ・フォッカー少佐のご逝去を悼み、生前の御厚情に感謝申し上げますと共に、勝手ながらいちファンとしてご冥福をお祈り申し上げます。 ついにこの時期が来てしまいましたか・・・。フォッカー少佐には結果的にやまともお世話になっておりました。(商品で。)弊社としては、今後も少佐の伝説を後世に引き継ぐ1人として、商品展開をしてい行こうと思う今日この頃。 皆さんはいかがお過ごしでしか? こんにちは。みすたーKです。 今回はこんな時期なのでしんみり行こうと思います。・・・ですが、彼はこう言うでしょう。「こんなにしんみりするな!柄じゃない!」なんて言いそうですので(勝手な解釈)、いつも通りに行かせて頂きますよ。少佐! と言うことで早速ご紹介。FC先行12月ギリ出荷の受付が14日に締め切りになった「1/60 完全変形VF-1S ロイ・フォッカー機 ウェザリング仕様」をご紹介させて頂きます。 ※現在FC先行の二次予約受付中。その後にも一般受注が有るから、まだ手に入れられます! この商品を企画する際に重要な事が、「2009年12月追悼に合わせる」事で動いておったアイテムなのです!滑り込みセーフ的な納期ギリギリでの展開になりますが・・・。 そしてこれが物!この前のショールーム開放イベントや、雑誌媒体でも既に露出しているのでご存知かと思います。 ジャーン(表現が古)! どうっすか? カッコ良くない?しかし背景が合いませんねー。見え難いですな。 これならどうよ?・・・背景が濃いので、機体にも色が入り込んでる・・。 無難に黒にしてしまいました・・。素人なんで・・。 横に立っているフィギュアとかも欲しいなー。企画しちゃおうかなー? TV版のパイロットスーツが欲しいし。うーん。そしたら背景は黒じゃダメね。 ・・・と背景に気を取られていたら、ブログ規定の「写真3枚」(色々あってそんなことになっているの)を使い果たしましたので 終ります。(・・って、商品解説無しかよ!?) いつも別れは突然やってくるのです。 我々はそれを乗越えて強く生きていくのです! 業界の方々!この不況も乗越えて、いいものを作って行(生)きましょう!! ※ユーザー皆さんの協力が不可欠ですので、そのへんもよろしくねん。 それでは皆様。ごきげんよう!                           みすたーK P.S そう言えば、少佐は戦死だよね?結果は。と言うと2階級特進?
  19. There are already 2 threads about the pre-assembled version and blank version.
  20. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=11308
  21. The year end sales put up by HLJ sure make this thread endless... haha
  22. I don't think graham meant to have a completely new mold which make it V3. There is no way Yamato will do that. What Graham meant was a detail up VF-1 add on kit or V2.3 or something if you think they solved the shoulder prolelm and new crotch system as V2.1 and V2.2. A detail up verion will make it V2.3 I assume. I dont' knwo about others, but I for one will not buy another completely V2.3 to have the extra add on features since I already have most of the early release, what I need is add on part to detail up my current V2. I believe this makes sense to many toy collectors out there as well. If Yamato decides to make a fully detailed VF-1 based on existing V2 mold and make it V2.3 on a certain scheme like Roy VF-1S, fine. I will pick it up, but I still think they should release a separte add on kit with all the accesary listed by many memebers..
  23. It's odd that many are talking about new detailed toy instead of add on kit, so many of you will rather spend more money on a detailed up n more expensive V2.3456 vf-1?
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