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Everything posted by Vi-RS

  1. thanks for the pictures, it's a shame that the VF-1J is same old crotch system.
  2. Unlike previous V1, I do agree that V2 is designed to accomodate with all modes, all weapons and armor pieces from the begining. I still remember that the lame V1 has fastpack that can't be attached on previous release like hikkie vf-1a, craps. 10 years of experience with try and errors make this line a success.
  3. I won't get mine so soon so hopefully if someone already have them can post some pictures of the internal armor pieces that show all the pegs and clips? And the other side of the neck cover, side covers etc so atleast we could find out how do these armors work to mount on the valkyrie? Thanks and happy new year to you all.
  4. These Imai/Bandai kits are the best deal in 80s.
  5. The scratchbuiltd hasegawa kit looks nice, but again the thigh has been stuff up to make it looks beefy. The transforming toy in V2 gpb-1S takes credit for that.
  6. There is no way you can make a transforming toy out of that line art, the line art is totally out of proportion. V2 GBP-1S rules.
  7. Then how do they keep track with opened orders? It's not a problem to create new account, but my question is my opened order, 1/60 GBP-1S VF-1J to be specific, was preordered back in Sep and paid full amount. How am I gonna know they still keep track with that. I have thrown them email and guess it's the waiting game comes after.
  8. Anyone here has problem logging in to OD new website? I have opened order placed before in their old website and I can see my order there, but when i tried to log in OD new web site, I get kicked out. Invalid login name.
  9. This picture is missing the great grand father takatoku 1/55.....
  10. The glass shelve on bertby is removable and freely adjustable at any height you want, an extra feature. No problem placing battroid modes. It's air tight, and looks organize but not taking up lots of space at the mean time.
  11. These pictures were posted before in another thread, but just for the record to show painted version. I don't know who did that (I assume Yamato staff) but it seems like it needs more painting on more details. Pictures from OD:
  12. Any improvement on the vf-1j besides gray visor? any more tampo printing? What about the crotch system? New system or Old?
  13. Vi-RS

    HLJ Yamato sale

    I was about to pick up some V2 strike armor from OD, but I realize they also jacked up all the prices as well.
  14. Make sure these are available in your local store, from my experience sometime they do so just to clear stock for some stores.
  15. It's the same tv style pilot from the begining, I don't see any improvement.
  16. That really depend on each individual. If you have the budget then get both lines. 1/48 for the sizes but incomplete schemes. 1/60 for the complete schemes and better proportion, articulation, and features you don't have in 1/48. If you don't, then stick with one line if the toy scale does affect you. Apparently 1/60 V2 is the best line I have ever devoted to because I like the vf-1 design so much and I want to have all schemes in one scale. by the way, I don't even have any 1/48.
  17. who cares. And like I said, the launching effect is only available as stand alone armor pieces, which is yamato web exclusive. There are couple online vendors carry it.
  18. I thought the first yamato 1/72 toys were released in 2000? http://www.yamato-toys.com/dev/cont_023/
  19. Thanks for the head up, bluemax. I wonder why hobbysearch no longer take pictures of the bottom side of the valkyrie? I wanted to know whether it comes with new crotch or old crotch. Anyone here is gonna recast the neck cover and side covers?
  20. The only problem I have with detolf is whatever you place in there Still may suffer dust.
  21. Vi-RS

    Supah Happy Party Set!

    nicely done, roy, minmay and hikaru? or Misao? anyway I like the tv figures you have scuplted.
  22. Detolf is nice if it has more shelves.
  23. Indeed, the manipulator is removable so it means we could add in our own custom manipulators. I still prefer movie style and I wonder the 1/48 might look too big on it?
  24. exactly this is something I'm glad that they do it that way.
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