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Everything posted by Vi-RS

  1. I do understand the head position now on V2 and sorry the pictures not showing quite fair on 1/48. I think I start to learn and appreciate the higher head on V2 over time. I think they learn that mistake from V1 and do a better job in 1/48 by making the head slightly bigger in proportion and enlonged the neck. Back in those days 10 years ago.....Does my head look too small for my body? lol...
  2. eugimon, does your vf-1j has slightly overall yellowing appearance while the head is pristinely white like the armor? Mine does. bummer.
  3. I see, I think it's again to compromise the line art in actual toy form to make it looks more humanoid in battroid mode. The lineart basically has enlarged head. If the V2 has its head sits down at the chest depression it will look funny like the V1 with tiny head. The 1/48 actually has thick head base and long neck to make the head sticks out further in battroid mode as well, but it looks funny with the head covered up by GBP-1S chest armor. Nothing is perfect when it comes to toys and designs, it's all about compromise in the best possible way. To each of its own when it comes to the actual toy that best represent your desired valkyrie. Speaking of quality issues, both has its own. List down the quality problem on each toy then we can sum up how much quality problem that each toy has. QUALITY PROBLEM: 1/60 (V2): 1. Shoulder hinge breakage 1/48: 1. Floppy fitment DESIGN & APPEARANCE Pros of 1/60 (V2): 1. Double elbow joints 2. Good size hands 3. Better fitment 4. Good size toy (subjective) Cons of 1/60 (V2): 1. Incorrect head position 2. Nose cone stick out on chest plate in battroid mode Pros of 1/48: 1. Size does matter (subjective) Cons of 1/48: 1. Overhang nose cone 2. Tall chest plate 3. Falling shoulder 4. Long bicep 5. Chicken hands 6. Overhang arms in fighter mode If you keep the list going then it will help to make decision.
  4. yes, track it from www.usps.com with the same tracking number will give you more further updated information.
  5. Jenius, can you explain more where the head is on wrong spot on V2? Is it because the head sits flush with the chest plate on V2 and stick out while the 1/48 is sit below the chest plate? I voted V2 any days except the inconsistancy on shoulder problem. I think the V2 wins everything except the shoulder and size. The knee cab on 1/48 is too bulky for my taste, so do the legs from first impression. I also don't like the overhang nose cone, tall chest plate, falling shoulder, long bicep, chicken hands, overhang arms in fighter mode.
  6. Cons: Now here are the drawback, I realize that there are several discoloration on my VF-1J. The hands is much more yellowish than the rest of the valkyrie, the intake area on one thigh has slightly discoloration. The entire valkyrie has more yellowish tint effect compare with my previous VF-1J. However, the VF-1J head is as white as the white plastic on the armors. So I guess I can assume that the valkyrie is from previous left over stock while the head is newly built, that explains the discoloration. The visor is a separate piece which has been prepainted before they put it together with the head. There is no sign that there are gray paint bleeding on the head, with the color discoloration I strongly believe that the head itself is newly built. My pictures may not show the discoloration but it does look very obvious with naked eyes. Finally, why even bother to put the optional missiles effects in the manual as gimmick when you don't get it? Why the detail CAD drawing of the toy shows DYRL hands while we get tv bubble hands at the end?
  7. The armors are basically well designed and snapped together fairly easily and locked in place without filmsy parts. There are lots of details at the inner parts of the armors as always:
  8. I got mine in the mail today, and it's a shame that the first thing I have to check out is the VF-1J itself instead of the armors. Well guess what, the shoulder hinge are intact and it's knurled pins I guess because it doen't rotate when I swivel the shoulder hinge: Pros: Now the extra side covers and neck cover are some really nice add on that cover up the majority hollow spots of the valkyrie, and I demand Yamato should include these covers in future release OR sold as option parts to service existing customer who already have previous release. The way how the side covers work is there are bump on one tip that click into the metal hinge on chest plate that connect the T swing bar in fighter mode. The side covers cover up nicely and stay in place firmly. The neck cover works its magic as well to cover up the hollow spot behind the head and it simply click on firmly. The gray visor is a nice touch and eventually I might paint my previous VF-1J as well with gray visor.
  9. I just mentioned that I got reply from them instantly and communication was good, I think eugimon is right that you have to check your junk mail filter.
  10. No graham. I didn't buy any of those, but the pictures suggest that these are old crotch. I assume these are repackaged old stocks like the VF-1J as well because it's very unlikely that factory will reverse engineered to use old mold on new production run. http://www.1999.co.jp/itbig10/10102593a10.jpg http://www.1999.co.jp/itbig10/10102589a11.jpg
  11. I guess the old crotch system is already a big hint that the VF-1J came from old stocks. The repackaged Hikaru and Roy VF-1S for one year anniversary box are old stocks as well.
  12. I guess casting the hinge in metal will mean you will have problem of paint loss since it swivels like you said or we have to live with it in Raw metal to prevent paint loss if they did do it in diecast metal.
  13. Vi-RS

    HLJ Yamato sale

    It's not bad at all.
  14. To clear thing ups for OD, I have received my order update yesterday for my Armored VF-1J. I recently moved to a new house and afraid that they will ship my package to old address. I've made an update on their old system but the order status still show old address. I replied the order update immediately and they responded the next day which is this morning to tell me that the order was shipped to my new address. They are still good and responsive in my book, but they are just away from Holidays.
  15. I don't think it's the laser pen, the laser pen comes in the anniversary box which was announed some time ago. It's the weathering super/strik pack for the weathering valkyries, I could be wrong.
  16. Can someone put up pictures on the individual piece of the armor showing front and back like the 1/48 in this picture? I am still waiting for mine.... lol....
  17. and I gotta say that Japanese love that, there are lots of bandai toys and kits out there with clear part options, at crazy price and limited release as well.
  18. They used to place the boxes of toy or model kit on a piece of cardboard tray which is the same size of the shipping box, then have the boxes vacuum wrapped with plastic on the tray before they place into shipping box. This way the toy or model kits boxes are protected and won't rattling in the shipping box. I guess they don't do it now and replaced with air pockets.
  19. Go to another thread specifically on unpainted v2 and you should find pictures of actual preassembled toy that answer your questions. The toy basically come raw on every plastic part except diecast part which is paint matched in white. It comes with tv pilot. Same picture can be found on yamato's blog.
  20. No matter what bubble hands they come up with, I am still disappointed because I really don't like bubble hands. It's too cartonish and I prefer dyrl style hands that have mechanical feel any days. Anyway, it's sstill an easy mod by using the previous V2 dyrl hands to plug on GBP-1S. Just have to cut off the prong and drill new hole to mount on the wrist plate. or just remove the wrist plate and mount the dyrl hands if you are lazy to do diy mod.
  21. I assume the box didnt say anything about dyrl. The color on the armor is more like deep blue for this toy which is more like dyrl. TV color fast packs and armors are more like green grayish color, while dyrl is more like deep green bluish color. However, to many members out there it's a disappointment that it comes with bubble hands.
  22. The wrist plate is removable, but I think it's an easy mode if you unplug the hands from the wrist plate and use other hand with modification. I think the 1/48 hand won't look too big on V2.
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