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Everything posted by Vi-RS

  1. well it just seem to me that too much tiny little parts in that tray that will get lost over time if not properly stored. On the hip joint, it actually work pretty much like the Yamato V2's T-swing bar, but it only click on the slots right in front of the landing gear instead of having opening hatch like Yamato. We will see how steady it is.
  2. Both my VF-1D from the very first release came out great, the intake is tight but they are fine. There is a way to remove the intake from the torso so that you can release the peg without breaking it. The VF-1D is in orange tan color like the VT-1 compared with other valkyries which is off white and white. So you are making conclusion that HLJ still has them because these VF-1D have broken peg? That is hilarious assumption and conclusion.
  3. What's wrong with my Yamato, Bandai, etc.
  4. Then the albino kit or unpainted VF-1S makes no sense to you from their release since it never appeared in the series or movie? I think it makes perfect sense to leave out the tail number so that you can apply your desired number, I know it won't please everyone if Yamato tampo print the number but that's the best solution.
  5. It makes perfect sense to apply sticker of the designated number on those spots if you decide to put it on other valkyries, if the numbers are pre-tampo over the armors pieces then there is no way you can customize without rubbing them off in the first place. If they provide different series number, then it should leave blank in the first place. As of the absense of extra pilot, you don't need an optional pilot to maneuver the GBP-1S armor, it's an add on armor piece to the valkyrie.
  6. It's the intention made by Yamato so that you can custom your own tail number depending on which valkyrie you decide to put it on.
  7. IF you think more, chances are you are losing it coz many places have sold out the low viz.
  8. Vi-RS

    Yamato Sale @ HLJ

    Another sales offer from HLJ for 70% off shipping cost for order placed between 6/22~6/24.
  9. The second paint scheme is already web exclusive, good luck finding them all. With the past experience from Bandai, they will not do more than 5 paint schemes, probably Hikaru VF-1J, Max VF-1J, Millia VF-1J, CF VF-1A, Roy VF-1S...
  10. You know the clear tape that wrap the tip of the main wing comes pretty handy, everytime i opne up a brand new toy I just peel it off and tape it over the tail where it meets the Antenna...
  11. Dude, they all came from the same mold.
  12. The 1/48 which has only one peg on the fastpack of each side, so extra pressuse is placed on the front end which overlay on the tails. The V2 1/60 actually has a connector for both fastpack, which basically distributes the weight evenly and not much pressure was placed on the tail? I could be wrong, but I do see some bending on the tail in fighter mode. Mine is all fine after sitting in fighter mode with fastpack on.
  13. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=31383&pid=856402&st=560entry856402
  14. The hip joint is hilarious.
  15. In this case, bandai wins on the packaging and boxart over Yamato.
  16. your picture didn't even show it's new or old, but I can tell you the VF-1J is old crotch. Excellent.
  17. Agreed, those arts done in early 80s all have yellow triangle on shoulders.
  18. I guess the major difference are, by priority: 1. Color of the valkyrie 2. Pilot suit 3. All movie and tv marking difference, the most unique one is the black and yellow arrows on head.
  19. He actually mentions that in post#176, one page back.
  20. You actually see these effect on commercial air planes too.
  21. Vi-RS

    Yamato 1/60 VF-X

    you got pm.
  22. Vi-RS

    Yamato 1/60 VF-X

    oh yeah, if they did remove the arms and redo another bottom plate so it wont look so fat and thick, the have it fixed non-trasnformable, then you don't have to worry about shoulder crack problem. Anyway, this babe is still in my list, nonetheless. Looking forward a group buy or something like that.
  23. Vi-RS

    Yamato 1/60 VF-X

    The bottom plate looks ok for what Yamato is doing now by adding parts to make it a VF-X variant and yet remaing the capability to transform even though it's not accurate. It pleases the fans though. The bottom plate doesn't looks gracefully extend from the head area to the tails because the entire arms are there. If they remove the arms, and redo another bottom plate then it will be gracefully extend from head to tail.
  24. It's really a big bummer for people who would like to start with this line, the 2nd paint scheme is already a web exclusive item. Having said that, I really don't think Bandai will do the whole line.
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