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Everything posted by Vi-RS

  1. There are plenty of them on Yamato website.
  2. I don't see Yamato mentions the 1/3000 scale is 210,000 yen, so far the price has not been revealed yet as you can see from 3rd picture. I guess many people get confused with the 1/2000 and 1/3000 in terms of SIZE and PRICE, lol.
  3. If that line says 1/2000 is 60cm, won't that make it 60x2000/3000 = 40cm or around 17"?
  4. 1/2000完全変形 SDF-1マクロス プロトタイプレプリカキット(H.D.P.仕様) ■材質:PU他 ■商品サイズ:要塞艦時/全長約64cm ■パッケージサイズ::高さ20cm×横76cm×幅30cm ■付属品:組立説明書/変形説明書/組み立て用ビス The 1/2000 scale measures 64cm in height So the 1/3000 scale shall measures 42.5cm from simple calculation by taking 64cm x 2000 divided by 3000.
  5. They will save that for WF or Macross Chronicle.
  6. looking forward this.
  7. This thread fails to identify toy manufacturer and scale, I think you need to visit these: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33093 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=31677
  8. This picture will help many to undersatnd how the gimmick in this toy works: http://gamu-toys.info/goukin/gouki/vf100s/vfhimetal03/vfhimetal0301.html
  9. I don't know what you love about the 1/48, if size matter to you then stick with it. If you are looking for a better articulation toy with improved fitment and sculpt in the complete line, V2 is always the answer.
  10. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=28807&st=560&p=852914&hl=phalanx&fromsearch=1entry852914
  11. I'm glad you pointed that out because I think many consumers never know the scenes behind before a toy show up on shelves. I'm in manufacturing business so I do understand the truth behind. These are the points from a consumer standpoints, but in manufacturing's shoes you also have to figure out 1. MOQ 2. R&D 3. Productivity 4. Manufacturing cost It doesn't matter what scale the toy is, be it 1/48 scale or 1/144 scale, all manufaaturers work with target price within a volume so all above mentioned factors have to work under the cost restrictions. Of course, there are marketing involved before everything goes into production. Indeed, those are what Yamato regarded as 1G, 2G and 3G of their Macross's toy line which they have been improving.
  12. http://www.metal-box.jp/blog/index.php/archives/date/2010/07/17
  13. As anticipated I guess we get to see the prototype on Fire valk from Yamato, and couple other weathering versions like VF-1As, YF-19 etc... http://www.yamato-toys.com/event/201007/index.html?infolnk=index_pickup
  14. For some reasons I really annoyed seeing the knee caps falling down in battroid mode.
  15. They have stopped doing that rainbow coating.
  16. Vi-RS

    SCOOP thread!

    DYRL Max and Kakizaki VF-1A with Strike/Super Packs re-released in Sep 2010: 1/60 完全変形 VF-1A 柿崎機 withスーパー&ストライクパーツ メーカー: やまと サイズ: 1/60(ファイター時:全長約25cm) 詳細: ABS・POM・亜鉛合金・他製 発売日: 2010年9月発売予定 定価:13,440円 販売価格:12,096円 copy;1984 ビックウエスト ※表示価格は消費税込価格です。 『超時空要塞マクロス~愛・おぼえていますか~』より、VF-1A柿崎機が宇宙空間戦用装備「スーパーパーツ」とのセットで登場です!発売中の「VF-1A 一条輝機」、さらに「VF-1S」各機体などとの組み合わせで、劇中各場面でのスカル小隊編成を楽しんでください! 1/60 完全変形 VF-1A マックス機 withスーパー&ストライクパーツ メーカー: やまと サイズ: 1/60(ファイター時:全長約25cm) 詳細: ABS・POM・亜鉛合金・他製 発売日: 2010年9月発売予定 定価:13,440円 販売価格:12,096円 copy;1984 ビックウエスト ※表示価格は消費税込価格です。 『超時空要塞マクロス~愛・おぼえていますか~』より、VF-1Aマックス機が宇宙空間戦用装備「スーパーパーツ」とのセットで登場です!発売中の「VF-1A 一条輝機」、さらに「VF-1S」各機体などとの組み合わせで、劇中各場面でのスカル小隊編成を楽しんでください!
  17. Indeed, technically the coating flakes off. For the record the coating is no longer a problem too since Yamato has stopped putting these coating since the Albino VF-1S.
  18. I was trying to find an old thread on the 1/60 Yamato YF-19 but this board always kicks back with no result. Anyway, any of you have gotten the latest reboxed VF-19 from Yamato? Any improvement besides the color variations? SOURCE
  19. Vi-RS

    Yamato 1/60 VF-X

    空想兵器研究室のTommyと申します。 夏らしいと言いますか、かなり激しい天候状況の今日この頃ですが 皆様いかがお過ごしでしょうか。 前回に引き続き、「マクロス・クロニクル」誌上通販アイテムを ピックアップ致しま~す。 さて今回の機体は、色々な意味で謎の多い1/60 VF-Xでございます。 VF-Xって?という方もいると思いますがそれもそのはず、クローディアさんの 回想にしか登場しない、極めてマニアックな機体なのでご安心くださ~い。 で、なんとこの機体ですが、設定としては変形しない試作機なのでございます~。 商品としてはもちろん変形は可能ですが、本来の設定に準じて機体底面のカバー パーツを新規でつくりおこし、変形しない機体を再現致しました!! このパーツは着脱可能で、変形をする際には取り外します。 ちなみにこのカバーパーツをつけた状態でも、マクロススタンドに飾れるよう 新規のスタンド用アタッチメントもご用意致しました! そこまでするか~という声が聞こえてきそうですが・・・やはり立体化 する以上、半端ではいけないだろうというゴーストの囁き?により、めでたく 実現したのでございます~。 で、これがまた意外な発見!と言いますか、一部のパーツが変わるだけでここまで 新鮮に感じるとは・・・。 いやー戦闘機らしいフォルムが再現できたかも・・・。カラーリングも馴染みのある カラーなので、余計にそう感じたのかも・・・。 とにかくVF-Xの商品化は最初で最後?と思われますので、是非この機会に あなたのコレクションをよりディープなものにされてはいかがでしょうか~。 ちなみに受付は16日までとなっておりますので、詳しくはHPの情報室まで~。 それでは私はまた研究室に戻りま~す。 Tommy
  20. I think the question will be where did you find those tiny buckle and ring to hold the strap and plug into the gun pod. I made my gun strap from the bicycle's inner tube, but I can't find proper buckle and ring. I don't know, plastic turn yellowing eventually for many reasons, it could be environment factor like sun light, heat, oil, sweat, and even the nature of the plastic itself.
  21. The yellowing process can't be stopped on any color of plastic, but deeper color will not show the difference significantly as oppose to white. So a light gray valkyrie, like the dyrl, will show a slower path and not noticable even over a long period of time. You forgot one very important factor that cause the nintendo case to turn yellowing significantly, HEAT.
  22. Agreed, I wish all the V2 were some sort of light gray to begin with. It's not only the sunlight that cause yellowing on plastic, oxidation does too. Sunlight will speed up the process, but oxidation do the work too. It's gonna have different shade of yellowing color even if you put in box. My previous V1 were stored in box in closet, but some of them were yellowing too on certain spots.
  23. If you forgot to rotate the head and realize the head is facing backward in fighter mode, then you will have to separate the chest plate and back plate to give room for the head rotation. The head cannot swivel 180 degree in fighter mode.
  24. There is one flaw I found from this little guy, the head has limited rotation in fighter mode. You must swing the head 180 degree in battroide mode before you transform back to fighter.
  25. The peg is still good, not deformed. It just has some worn edges since you pulled it out with force while it was stuck. Mine didn't come out easily as other V2 I have, but I tried couple time by angle the intake couple time to pop it out.
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