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Everything posted by Vi-RS

  1. nice......
  2. I don't see why it's a waste of money to buy multiple same figures, it's called hobby within the range of each individual's disposable income.
  3. Vi-RS

    1/48 VF-1D

    I think people here only rock on valkyrie.
  4. Many have said many times, and I will have to say it again that this is not a $400 toy.
  5. If you can't pay to play, by all mean you shouldn't be in the game. 10 years ago the Takatoku/Bandai chunky/monkey were going hot like 1.5K for Super VF-1S.... What is the point for Yamato to make it cheaper with mass volume per cutting so that they can please your budget, but they end up with thousands of unsold stocks in hands and went out of business down the road or remove macross from their line? For your information, it's not about making expensive toys to a few collector, it's the fact of manufacturing cost and demand. Do you get it?
  6. Exactly, I can live with the movie magic without seeing the panel lines, but those battled damages and weathered robots to showroom condition automobiles back and forth really don't make sense from scenes to scenes.
  7. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=143&st=800
  8. Not really, can you point out what other valkyries have raised chest hiding the wings in the armpit in gerwalk mode besides YF-19 and VF-19?
  9. Not only that, I always don't understand why a BATTLE DAMAGED robot can turn into SPARKLING NEW automobiles back and forth all the time in the movie.....
  10. 本日(8/16)に行いました、リガードキットの仕様最終チェックの模様などを、お送りいたします。 順序的には、ここまで来ても若干の修正を行ってから、複製を作ります。そこから塗装して色んな素材写真撮って・・・。なので今月の末頃から、WEBで動き始めるかも。 WEB担当Hさんにもご迷惑をお掛けしております~。 さて、リガードキットですが、ばらしてパーツ確認から始まり、パーツ確認で終わります。 予定していたパーツ数だと「なるべく単純で」を基本としていたのですが、なぜか気がつくと150パーツ位になっちゃいました~。この段階で価格設定があやふやです。 しかしながら、いつぞやの静岡ホビーショーで価格をうたっていたので、そのままで行きますが・・。確か39,900円だったかと・・・・。 価格だけ見たらスンゲー高いアイテムに見えますが、そこはやまとです。変なギミックが盛りだくさんでやってます。だからパーツが150にもなりました~。 そしてサービスギミック!人によってはいらないかも知れませんが、パイロットが乗り込む前にはこうなっていますので、再現してみました~。 瞳を閉じてます。何処かの歌ではありませんが、ここまでやる処はそうそう無いはずです。 やまと風こだわりです。(実際はただ単にマク担の趣味) まぁ、いずれ情報室で大々的に記事書きます。(信憑性にかける対応をいつもしていますが・・。頑張ります!)
  11. Is it just me or what? I got a feeling that the VF-1S head in this picture is CG?
  12. The arm armors are done, they just didnt put it on that unit for some reasons.
  13. Unless Bandai is going to redo it, or it's pretty much done.
  14. My first impression is the VF-1S with strike parts on look pretty much like the old 1/100 scale trasnformable Imai/Bandai kits with bulky strke parts. The backpack don't have any locking system so the fastpacks will angle in funny way when extra weight are attached to it. Also the backpack must has the capability to fold up and parallel with the body so that the fastpack will look right in fighter/gerwalk mode. I guess the fastpack version on these Hi-Metal fails unless Bandai is gonna do more improvement on it.
  15. Only the chunky monkey have it on the foot, the actual art from the old days have it above the foot:
  16. izzyfart, those are some best condition boxes on these old school I have ever seen.
  17. where do you get all that information from?
  18. On a transforming toy that has to deal with anime magic all the time, there must be some technical and structure issues benealth it for what it is now.
  19. Meg it makesno sence for yamato to do it smaller than 1/60 since this is the hot scale on their line. Also there are dozens of regult in many other smaller scales so yamato will only do it in 1/60 or don't do it at all.
  20. It is in every tv scheme.
  21. Things are not as easy as you think, not all people have access to information via internet and they may not find this site or any site if they do. Price point is another issue. You think a $100~$150 toy is acceptable instead of $400, but for many people for the rest of the world, it means a salary of a month. The market of Macross toys is actually relatively small. Things are always easy to say then done.
  22. yes, but my concern is the red paint may wear off over time when you put the hip bar in and out numerous time.
  23. Agreed, it's all upside down....
  24. well I have to tell you that Macross toys are in a very niche market for those who grew up in the 80s. You really can't compare it with modern toys at wal-mart where those were produced in mass with bigger target market. If you ever asked Graham how many number for each paint scheme on V2 were produced in each run, it may blow your mind. The glory is always on Yamato who manages to bring a complete line of macross toys in 1/60 scale within a small target audience after these toys.
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