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Everything posted by Vi-RS

  1. Those are connected to a ball joint in the feet.
  2. The best pictures are finally here, but I don't think the eyes are made from transparent plastic.
  3. It was said to represent the ending of the movie when the SDF-1 was heavily damaged in the final battle. 劇中後半で破損した主砲基部を再現するレジン製のパーツを追加。また、最終決戦のシーンで1カットのみ登場した作画バージョンとなる「角型の足裏ノズル」も再現!それぞれ通常バージョンとの選択式で組立てが可能です。
  4. Yes, there are numerous removable covers and option arm shield to make the transformation accurate. It's been revealed couple pages back. http://www.yamato-toys.com/dev/cont_094/
  5. Are you sure? For some reasons I don't see the infamous gap in the chest now from this picture....
  6. It's interesting that Yamato did lots of custom scheme with 1/48 but not much or close to none on 1/60 V2.
  7. If you look at the pictures from Yamato's blog, these are basically the final production version, not painted prototype. http://www.yamato-toys.com/blog/img/320-1.jpg http://www.yamato-toys.com/blog/img/320-2.jpg http://www.yamato-toys.com/blog/img/320-3.jpg
  8. Very nice, but I think what was suggested is go ahead and place a FS thread in marketplace.
  9. Usually a small screw driver or paper clip will do the job, but make sure you are pushing it from the other side of the knurled pin. If you pushing from the knurled side, you are having hard time to push it all over through the smooth intact part of the hinge.
  10. Yes, it changes everything on the 1/60 with a little changes in color and stripes. I think it's ok to say that Yamato got the inspiration from Hasegawa when they are doing the V2 1/60 AB.
  11. Yamato just posted some sneak peak on the assembly instruction on their web: http://www.yamato-toys.com/items/photogallery/photo.php?glid=44
  12. The articulation on this thing is simply amazing.
  13. I don't think that's another release for these two. Most likely these are from the same production run when they first did it for exclusive online mail order, but they have run extra to see the market demand or maybe balance from initial production run.
  14. It's going to be regular release by the end of the year or early next year after the hype is over. It happened, and it's gonna happen again.
  15. That's what it says when I cliked on the categories. Not Found Sorry, but no posts matched your criteria. Search this site:
  16. i think that is repro of the toy version.
  17. It's selling for $109 each plus shipping for VF-X and AB at hkcollectibles. It says will be released in May 2011 so I guess Yamato decides to run a mass production run after the initial web exclusive crap. Correct me if I am wrong but those who have paid premium to get contacts in Japan to get these initial exclusive are yamatoed.
  18. I could be wrong, but seems to me that 16,590yen is for the PE parts, decals and blown main guns for the 1/3000 SDF-1. SDF-1 is not included.
  19. Nicely done. Have you ever done this on V2 1/60, Kurt?
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