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Everything posted by Vi-RS

  1. updated crotch and clear canopy.
  2. I painted mine from the Super VF-1J version, but I would like to get the revised box version. Do you, by any chance, know that gray goggle version comes with new crotch and clear canopy? That is another reason that I wanted it.
  3. I've been eye balling that too from every sales in the past with no luck.
  4. The V2 VF-1 is probably the most complete line out there for movie and tv, but I don't see any other custom schemes like they did in 1/48 except the low viz VF-1S.
  5. well, maybe what you actually see from the "lineart" is not the neck, but the collar appeared from the end tip of fuselage just like what Yamato did.
  6. To me it's all about compromise, you can't have both. IMO Yamato did a great job by introducing the ingenious method by pushing up the fuselage, this gives a better overall proportion in battroid mode by shortening the fuselage. The 1/48 and Bandai 1/100 or I must say all transforming toys and model kits of VF-1 in the past have the common problem, elongated or saggy crotch setction.
  7. Like I said the first preorders is for HLJ to figure out how much they can fill their orders based on the qty that they think they can secure from supplier. They will come back if they think demand is good and have confirmation on more supply with manufacturer. It was 6175yens with 5% off, now it's 6500yens. For those who missed, act now.
  8. Usually preorder on new items is in limited qty to begin with, HLJ only take a certain qty at preorder which they think they can sell and get from manufacturers. Regular order will follow later, but I don't know how limited are on these limited online items. The last preorder I made on these limited online item was 1/60 scale weathering strike parts, but I never saw regular order follow up once preorder was over.
  9. I'm not complaining, and I am actually appreciate Yamato is releasing these add-on pieces. IMO it will make more sense if Yamato releases the VF-1A or VF-1J in most popular real world aircraft color in gray like the VF-X or Elintseeker. After all the purpose of these kits is for the end user to do custom jobs out of it. Gray seems to be a more popular color. On the decal, it really makes no senese at all to include Roy and Hikaru's schemes since these already been released in standard toy form. I hope they don't do so on VF-1A as well. They should have included more real time fighter decals or other custom schemes that have never been released before. Since custom schemes usually score low sales demand, which they did in 1/48 scale but eliminated in V2 1/60, why don't they do this in these kit version? Well, I could be wrong maybe the whole point of these kits is for fans to build their favorite Roy and Hikaru's schemes with their own hands.
  10. old man will be all over it, I guess many members like myself too. I'm not sure how many sections on the decals that you will be producing, but I do know that the pink wing stripes and purple bar stripes will not fit on V2 Yamato if you enlarge them because the proportion on 1/72 Hasegawa kit is different. I think you need to work with the decal sheet that came from Yamato's blankies.
  11. This is what they show on their website. http://www.yamato-toys.com/items/detail.php?gid=1941
  12. Less than 2 seconds screen shot.
  13. Yes, I am more proactive when I said that. The T-Rex kit was made from resin, and this coming release by Yamato is made of ABS, I assume.
  14. The side covers is different than previous release on Yamato's GBP-1S. These side covers has opened vents, virtually the same design as previous T-Rex's kits.
  15. Too bad the blankies are still white, not gray or off white.
  16. yes, grey please just like the VF-X.
  17. yes, it's a very old picture which suggests that thoughts was given but never executed due to bad economy and low demand from the actual sales of tomahawk and defender.
  18. I remember seeing some info about 1/60 Montster being done in a show, maybe Yamatos' booth?
  19. Exactly. When Macross first aired back in 84, the first wave fans were still kids and teens ranged from 5 to 15 years. Not everyone back then was lucky enough to get the 1/55 Takatoku or Bandai. Even if those who were lucky, they played with the toys and very few of them left MIB or MISB behind. 15 years later in 1999 or 2000, the price on these 1/55 appreciated ridiculously because kids back in 80s have grown up in their 20s ~ 30s were eagerly looking for these limited supply of antique toys. The market value for these antique toys was ruined immediately when reissue or new version (Yamato) were released in early 2000. Now everyone has multiple copies of Yamato products, but when they reach 60s or 70s, the value on these Yamato will not appreciate in any significant way like the Takatoku and Bandai did for two reasons: The first wave Macross fans are decreasing in their 70s but the market is full of these Yamato toys. It'd be actually cheaper to get these Yamato toys 30 or 40 years later because your grand kids wil be giving them away when you are gone. Take my grandpa's junks.
  20. Collecting Macross toys is not buying stocks, you enjoy your time with your toys and that's the value that you should perceive. Like others have said, you are seeing lots of toys being offered at discounts because of bad economy. First thing you will think of is supply over demand, or demand is not as much as manufacturer is expecting. Yamato may have over estimated the initial run before the eonomy went bad, not many people have the disposable income to purchase these niche toys these days. Yamato is decreasing the volumen of each production run. Lower production run means higher cost per unit so the price is passing to end consumer. HDP kit is a good sign of extremely low demand in market so it's meant to appreciate the hardcore fans, but not good enough to devote a major production run for average Macross fans.
  21. That's not gonna happen. Yamato would have done that 2 years ago if the demand is there and in fact the entire destroid line is not doing very well. This is the reason Yamato decided to do HDP kit for Phalanx, they service the hardcore Macross fans, but not losing money to make them in toy form. I wish they make the VF-1A unpainted kit in GRAY PLASTIC, not white. Yes, the first announcement that Yamatao made on 1/60 Phalanx was 2 years ago in 2009 summer, but it didn't happen. The project was dead. Now we finally see it is coming in HDP kit form right now after 2 years.
  22. Awesome.....After 2 long years of hope and anticipation, the phalanx is finally on its way... The kanji mentions "half body", "able to be build two variants"... I guess you do need to have a spare destroid to build the Phalanx from the HDP kit. I could be wrong but I hope Yamato is referring to the blue phalanx variant.
  23. 1/3000 VF-1S? Check this out: http://www.yamato-toys.com/event/201107/?infolnk=index_pickup
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