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Everything posted by Vi-RS

  1. Nicely built kit, but that still can't change the fact that this thing is awfully wrong in many ways. Sunken head, huge chest plate, long nose, large gap in hip, tiny shoulders/legs.... someone already fixed those problems years ago.
  2. 【お知らせ】アルカディアマクロスシリーズより、大人気機体「YF-19」が2014年発売予定となります。価格等詳細は未定でございますが、随時公式HP/twitter/Facebook等で情報公開をいたします。是非ご期待くださいませ。
  3. The image below was the original Yamato page talking about the evolution of VF-1 toys in generations, but it's gone. You still can find some tiny info from Graham when he did his review on the V2. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/VF-1-160-Review/VF-1S_review.html
  4. It was on Yamato's website, which is gone now.
  5. Yeah, there is a chance for the current 21 since these are G2 toys. T-Rex basically did all the computer designs works for Yamato's Generation 3 toy line, so it's very unlikely for Arcadia to revisit G3 line except reissue. G1 1/72 Mac+ 1/60 VF-1 (widely known as V1) G2 1/48 VF-1 1/60 YF-21/22, YF-19, except VF-11 1/60 Zero G3 1/60 VF-11 1/60 VF-1 (widely known as V2) 1/60 M7 There was a history page of all Yamato's toy lines and generations categorized by the craftsmanships of their products. The G1 were crappy toys with poor fitments and unnecessary die-casts, but it's the opening page to the world after 15 years of Takatoku and Bandai. They switched factories apparently to start the G2 by eliminating most die-casts on the surface, but the fitments and materials were problematic. The G3 is the current toy line since 2006, IIRC, where collectors really enjoy their improved built and fitments from the helps of T-Rex, and possibly new factories.
  6. Judging from the built, fitment and quality, the VF-11 is definitely the one done by T-Rex, and in fact it was the first toy that Yamato regarded as the Generation 3 toy line. I remember Yamato mentioned this on their website: The 1/72 was the G1, followed by the 1/48, 1/60 YF-21/22 and YF-19 as the G2.
  7. The new mold will be very identical to the current Fire valkyrie.
  8. Half the costs went to the artist's commissions for box art, so you have a 1/100 scale fastpack on a 1/72 scale fighter.
  9. What do we do with the small L acrylic stand?
  10. The only things that stand out are the retractable main wings and legs delivery mechanism.
  11. How about a low viz scheme that will pick up all the details instead of painting it to another white valkyrie?
  12. The head should have triple chins.
  13. I've finally realized that the tuxedo suit is actually a B&W macross kite after removing the huge 30th ann logo.
  14. We have been discussing this in another thread, by the end of this year. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=29541&&page=1
  15. I notice that all the parts have sprue marks, so these kits are built in raw plastic with panel lined. With that said, these are not resin prototypes but came off from the mold so I don't think any significant changes are going to happen.
  16. The heat shield is in different colors, then I still have to buy two to display them side by side.
  17. IMO the side covers in dark gray look good on every VF-1 scheme.
  18. A show valkyrie don't need no laser.
  19. Do we really have to discuss the pro and con of online retailers in this thread?
  20. No, the unassembled kit has water-slide decals too. IIRC the weathering version also come with one.
  21. Almost all official pictures from the V2 we have seen in the past were from hand painted samples.
  22. Not sure if this thing will end up like the AB did.
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