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Everything posted by ps99042

  1. Had to take care of the baby and walk the dog and...the Cavalier isn't on the sale list anymore? That was fast.
  2. AND the movie CF. Hmm...better deal on shipping if I get both. I think I just convinced myself.
  3. The thing that surprised me about this guy's wife was that he owns a comic book store. She didn't think he would want his collection in there house when they first started dating? It wasn't like the guy with the GI Joes/Hot Wheels collection that was all over the house. My wife rolls her eyes when I buy stuff but she accepts that this is a part of my life and, thus, hers.
  4. Yeah, the show really seems like it's just there to help people with storage issues. Kind of affended that they've pulled out the shrink a few times already as these guys aren't necessarily crazy or mental. Otherwise, they should be setting up appointments for everyone who ends up buying the collectors' junk! The other purpose of the show should really be: spend within your means. Definitely nice to see these junkpiles with the occasional actual collections as well though I kind of prefer the show Toy Hunter as finding toy treasure is much more exciting.
  5. Yeah, the 1/250s are really awesome. Never thought much of them until I bought 1 for fun and then I had to have them all though I'm still missing a few.
  6. Just curious, how much is that Transformers Animated Grimlock?
  7. Seems like anime in the US is reverting back to the days of the late 80s and early 90s where you had to actively search for anime products and spent top dollar on inferior goods.
  8. VF-4 hands down is the most beautiful Valkyrie followed by the YF-19. My 3rd favorite's gotta be the VF-11 for it's simplicity.
  9. That's what I tell my wife but she says that's not possible since I have so much stuff.
  10. Oh LORD! I MUST buy the VE-1! How about releasing some more affordable Yamato display stands now?
  11. kind of a short interview but still insightful.
  12. That's how I look at it too. My preceptor in school spent $10k on a rug to hang on his wall. To me that was crazy but to him it was well worth it. It you want something and buying it doesn't break the bank, go for it!
  13. That was an awesome clip! Kind of surprised they're changing the time slot to Saturday mornings after all these years.
  14. So when I got today's email advertising their latest sale, I figured it'd be an easy pass since I already have the Yamato items they usually put on sale. Then I saw the VF-1J GN-U for about $10 before shipping...Is it worth getting? I already have the 19's, 21, and 11's including the variants but no 1 yet.
  15. Yeah, I'm doubtful we'll see the Shadow Beta which is due this Fall as there's isn't even a preorder on Robotech.com. I know it's listed to preorder on a couple other sites but those sites also had a prior listing for a couple years with no result. If Toynami really cared about the product line, they would have shown prototypes this year to tie in with RT:LLA which is supposed to be released in 2013 (unlikely I know).
  16. ishop2go.com has it for just shy of $400 + shipping. Maybe you can just set up a paypal account and then just do the preorder that way without using a credit card.
  17. This is the same mentality that I have - I downgraded my car from a Benz to a Prius. The money I save from gas alone allows to me to keep buying toys even though my wife and I just had a baby.
  18. Took me a while to click the "confirm order" button after seeing the total but I still feel like I NEED this thing. Now I gotta figure out what toys to sell from my collection.
  19. I'm with you here. Though I'd really like a GP-01 (thought they had a prototype back in the day) and 02. I really didn't want to get into the Robot Damashii but then all the Unicorn stuff came out which led to this:
  20. Yup, this game is looking awesome! Played a bit of the demo which was pretty cool too. Can't wait!
  21. Same thought popped in my head when I saw the pic. Why not keep the colors the same or, at the very least, similar to the originals that they're based on? Air Raid's cockpit looks funny to me too. With each part being $100 and this new pic, I'm still not sold on these. On a side note, I finally bought my Fansproject Insecticons from BBTS. They were actually out of stock for a few days so hopefully they didn't restock with KO's.
  22. After seeing the color pics of each mode...I definitely NEED this! Battroid looks suprisingly awesome and fighter mode, as expected, is thing of beauty. Now I just need someone to tell me how I can get this living in the US.
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