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Everything posted by ps99042

  1. Sorry if this has been asked before but what Bandai stand can be used to hold the VF-25 VF100s? Does it have to be a specific one or do the Bandai Gundam Action Stands work too? Thanks.
  2. Yeah, I don't hate Robotech, I truly love it even to this day and am currently watching it straight through right now. The thing that bothers me is how HG has treated the property by first DOING nothing with it and now SAYING they're doing tons of stuff with NOTHING show. I'm worried that one of my all time favorite franchises will go the way of the dinosaur due to poor management rather than a poor product. And after reading this thread for years and seeing how the staff at HG play, I just felt it was time again for someone to start asking the tough questions HG still can't and won't answer.
  3. Finally got banned from the robotech.com but it was due to the way I backed up negative fans on the Robotech Facebook page (they even removed my posts after those same negative fans "like" my comment). It's actually a great feeling to be banned as I view the act simply confirming all the posts I've made over the past couple years. The only thing negative thing is that I never have the chance to make Kevin look like a bratty child again. Thanks for the win Kev!
  4. Could you post a picture please?
  5. Not yet but I was just reposing my battroid mode 0S and 0A and their arms are so loose they can't stay up!
  6. wow, truly a crazy story. i wonder if HG even has to pay a percentage of their profits to Big West or Tatsunoko whenever they release a product?
  7. Yeah but McKeever is employed by the franchise. I just noticed something on the rt.com site regarding the 25th Anniversary Soundtrack. Of course, it's kind of stupid to still refer to it by that name since it obviously didn't come out during the 25th Anniversary and, actually, doesn't have a release date in site. Now, Kevin posts that they found new tapes with NEVER BEFORE HEARD Robotech music which is why the soundtrack has been delayed. Can someone explain how these songs can be considered Robotech if they've never been heard, meaning they weren't used in the show? Afterall, they could just be composing new music which is delaying the release just so they have the marketing line "never before heard music."
  8. I used EMS shipping. Used FedEx once before and it was ok but EMS was cheaper. Got a 1/60 CF VF-1A and 1/48 Hikaru Vf-1J. Opened the CF cause I couldn't resist and I'll probably open the VF-1J cause I got the Full Armor pack MISB upstairs and I'm feeling like I gotta see it out of the box.
  9. Just got my Hobby Link order and only waited about 5 days after order confirmation. Such awesome service! Now, my only dilemma is: Do I keep them MISB or open them?
  10. Kevin's already done that in the past...
  11. Don't we all wish for that price. I just ordered one on HLJ but for $65 you'd probably just get a V1 CF VF-1A. Still, I think $100 is actually worth it since the V2 is so awesome. If I ever found some V2 for under $70, I'd buy them all and hide them from my wife.
  12. Damn, just broke down and bought a 1/48 Hikaru VF-1J and a 1/60 VF-1A cannon fodder and I just registered for the Primus package for Botcon and bought a set of DC Universe wave 16. So much money! Still can't decide if I wanna open all my Macross stuff and then sell the doubles (I used to buy 2 of each if I planned on opening one but that was before I got married).
  13. Just saw this on the rt.com site: http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/read.php?id=2111296&forumid=31&pagenumber=1#post I know it won't change anything but I never thought I'd see something like this on the rt.com site.
  14. Definitely, the Robotech site is too scared to put this kind of info on the site as it's more negative publicity HG doesn't want. HG has to maintain as positive an atmosphere as possible to keep the franchise looking good. Still, kind of strange they don't announce new releases like the sidequel either but HG has pretty much acknowledged that the site is really just for "selling" Robotech merchandise.
  15. The firing of Charlie Sheen WON'T benefit Robotech? How can this be? With his show likely canceled, they can devote more resources into turning Robotech into a tent pole. Still, I kind of want a director to be named so we can get Shadow Rising, even if it sucks, so the story continues.
  16. Awesome! I'm still trying to find the best time to ask my wife if it's cool for me to order a 1/60 VT-1 and 1/48 Hikaru VF-1J cause I'm supposed to be downgrading my collection by opening and selling stuff.
  17. I think they would and could as long as they use the word "Macross" since they want a slice of anything that says "Macross". But wait, according to Kevin, HG WANTS to bring over everything Macross, it's just the litigation in Japan which is really blocking this from happening.
  18. I didn't know Kevin took over your blog. Not really sure what the point of it now is as it seems to get much less traffic than the rt.com site. I like how he's got links to past Robotech tours for the past 5 years - nothing like living in the past when you have such little new info to talk about.
  19. wow what a crazy day at the rt.com site. i was asked to provide proof to support my statements and did so. then, when that proof upset Kevin he goes on a tirade and doesn't even give me a chance to respond? and worse, i'm threatened with banning for simply doing what i was asked to do. i'm sorry everything i write appears negative regarding how HG is handling the robotech franchise but i can't change what was said in the past. perhaps HG staff should follow a script for when they're in public in the future or just say "we can't comment" - this would go a long way in preventing even non-intelligent fans from coming to conclusions which aren't true. doesn't mean i don't still love robotech and want it to succeed. Still, since I know Kevin is reading this, perhaps we could ask all the rt.com fans how they interpret the video comments? afterall, even Memo agrees with the idea that SR is being held up because of the LAM.
  20. Thanks Jasonc, I just found it and posted the link.
  21. Kevin just called me out to prove when HG lied, namely the "hiatus" issue and when Tommy and Steve said SR was on hold pending LAM. Anyone have the links to some of the youtube vids? I'm too busy watching the good Robotech to search right now. No rush though cause I replied to Kevin that I wouldn't show him proof until he could spell my name write - it's ahchu with 2 "h"s. Thanks in advance.
  22. haha, sorry chrisk, I didn't know my actions could have such consequences. Good thing I'm a health professional and can help him if he has any problems. I now realize the wrongness of my ways and that HG's decisions are in Robotech's best interests and I'll never question their actions because Kevin says so. Seriously though, I don't think his answers today did anything but show that the franchise is in trouble. You have a guaranteed money maker that ALL fans are demanding yet you produce a sidequel which could just be a simple comic book adaptation. Interesting that he didn't mention that Shadow Rising is being held up due to the LAM anymore but if it's not being blocked by the LAM what else could block it from production? Most of the designs are from Mospeada and we know from Shadow Chronicles that story can't be an issue. He keeps saying HG is a trendsetter so why don't they just be a trendsetter by finishing something they start? Also of interest is his claim that HG would love to bring over more Macross but the legal issues in Japan are preventing that.
  23. Looks like there's not much going on with Robotech other than the sidequel. Kevin just posted the same writer/producer info about the LAM though confirmed there is no director attached. Shadow Rising is still in active development so it sounds like they're still trying to figure out a story and/or character and mecha designs. Only thing coming up is this sidequel which just expands on the original story and could also simply be an adaptation of the comic. Not much else new though I think I made Kevin mad
  24. The same thing is going on at robotech.com, I just wish Memo could at least write in complete sentences so I could kind of follow his train of thought though I'm sure it would still make no sense. I'm sure the next round of banning on robotech.com will start soon since there are a lot of new people not going along with HG's strategy for the future of Robotech.
  25. Just got my copy from Kinokuniya in San Francisco and it's beautiful. Still, when did the US dollar get so so weak? $63 for an artbook, though worth it in this case, is getting kind of crazy...
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