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Everything posted by ps99042

  1. Took the words right out of my mouth...the new show makes me see Shadow Chronicles in a whole new light.
  2. Don't forget that the delay of the sidequel is due to HG ordering more MINUTES of animation. Hopefully it comes out right after my wife gives birth so I can watch it in between feedings. I gotta agree with your remarks about how HG loves visiting this forum. McKeevie does so all the time which he pointed out just before I got banned on rt.com for making him cry by blowing holes in every outrageous comment he posted. It's really surprising to me still that a production which is supposed to be smaller than Shadow Chronicles is taking so long to be completed as adding more minutes of footage shouldn't require 6 to 8 months of EXTRA production time to complete. That's why it makes sense that they were, at one time, planning to use LLA footage but scrapped the idea after everyone on this forum blasted the idea.
  3. You gotta remember, cons are the only way HG wants to market the franchise as McKeevie says the internet isn't as effective. HG believes it help with fan relations and keeps everyone in the loop. Moreover, we fans supposedly want these con appearance which definitely was true a few years ago though now it seems less likely since the panels are often empty due lack of info and a recycled power point presentation. Still, the main reason these appearances continue is so the HG triumvirate can have time in the spotlight on a regular basis since they can't get the spotlight by actually releasing a product. Still, they teased that more exciting news will come at the end of this years con season so there's still hope for something other than a re-re-re-re-release of the series. Afterall, why would any company want to unveil big news at the biggest, most publicized con of the year? Just more proof that HG doesn't know what they're doing.
  4. I'm listening to the podcast now..did McKeevie just brag that Shadow Chronicles was announced at Comic Con...5 YEARS ago? Definitely a great way to prove that the franchise is alive, well, and moving forward.
  5. Great find Gubaba!
  6. ps99042

    HLJ Yamato Sale!!!

    Man, I'm tempted to get a Hikaru VF-1J to open rather than opening my VF-1J with fast pack set but I'm still scared of those shoulders...
  7. Let's move on from the fact that we'll never see Southern Cross toys. The Unofficial Robotech Reporter has a post stating that there aren't many tentpole features showing off at Comic-Con this year. You would think that HG would be able to take advantage of this situation and try to get Robotech more in the spotlight by really talking up their new CD, 30th Anniversary sidequel (cause you know it's not coming out in 2012 and will likely get pushed back further due to ordering more animation assuming they still like what they see), and the LAM that is definitely coming to theaters within the next 2 decades. A big push for Robotech during this lull in big ComicCon presentations could spur some interest in the franchise so I can get premium dollar for my Scott Bernard Masterpiece Cyclone on eBay.
  8. Question for 1st Border Red Devil: What are you smoking and can I get some myself? Everyone else on this forum has pretty much explained why we'll likely never see Southern Cross toys so I don't really have much to add. Still, each Masterpiece toy volume, despite McKeevie saying they sell out all the time even before release sometimes, never even made it to their full "limited" production run. If even Macross Saga toys couldn't do this, Southern Cross definitely won't. Besides, it would make way more sense to produce toys related to the new sidequel or even the gangbuster selling Shadow Chronicles since those are HG's current money makers (if you can even give these production this title) and that doesn't seem to be happening either. Still, it's always nice to dream or be under the influence...
  9. so who was the major network HG was in negotiations with?
  10. The opening theme in French! HELL YEAH! Pretty pathetic that they have to get tracks from fans recording if from vinyl and then emailing the track to them. I didn't know HG now supports pirating.
  11. Aren't we supposed to hold out for news until ComicCon before we totally bash HG?
  12. Just saw it yesterday afternoon and it did its job which was to entertain me. My wife also enjoyed which was surprising to me. It definitely wasn't without its flaws but, if you saw it and are a Green Lantern fan, the scene where he flies into sky in the same manner that was seen on the cover of Emerald Dawn #1 had to make you smile.
  13. Well, to be fair, we don't know if he's doing just one installment or working on multiple issues. We don't even know if he's just writing or drawing. Still, if he got the fired wouldn't that mean that the rest of the triumvirate would be fired too since they're all tied together? I know I'm just dreaming but at least we now know why the sidequel is delayed. I'd be interested to see McKeevie's rebuttal to how Tommy's moonlighting is affecting Robo Tech.
  14. ...especially when the press statement clearly states that WB will be focusing on DC Comics properties to fill the Harry Potter void. I wonder how the HG crew would respond to this revelation since they made the claim that WB hoped Robo Tech would likely be the tentpole franchise to replace Potter. Paramount and the Transformers franchise have probably stopped shaking in their boots now too.
  15. Yeah I know, I just stopped going since they never had any new announcements during the panel. Besides, dinner with my friends in SD is more important. Well, what else are they supposed to believe after the HG triumvirate has been telling them for years that WB wants the LAM to be a tentpole franchise to replace Harry Potter? And HG would never mislead its poor deluded fans...
  16. I just opened up deluxe Roadbuster and Topspin and they've gotta be the best movie deluxes of all time. Great transformations and both modes are great.
  17. ok this has made me decide not to buy these stands as i was actually about to buy them for my Robotech Masterpiece Alphas. Still, the paint on those are so crappy I probably wouldn't notice.
  18. Speaking of Cons, looks like the SDCC Robo Tech panel will be on a Thursday at 7pm. Could they have scheduled it at a more inopportune time? It's on the lowest attendee day (though it's still crazy) at dinner time. It's like they're trying not to be seen at Comic Con. Sure, you can blame the crappy time slot on the Comic Con organizers but they probably figure it's not worth giving them a more desirable time when there won't be anything new to report.
  19. Seriously, how can McKeevie be the most hated guy on Macrossworld? I love the guy cause it's so easy to make him cry. I actually worry about his health cause, as a medical professional, he really needs to lose some weight and take care of himself.
  20. I'm sure he's loving the attention though...
  21. Damn why are you guys giving Yamato more ideas on how to take our money? I'd totally buy 2 though cause it would be too awesome not to have.
  22. Totally agree with you on this. The only problem is that this makes it seem like McKeevie know what he's doing and we've already established that this isn't the case.
  23. Don't worry, next year they'll still be talking about the sidequel since they gotta use the same powerpoint for AT LEAST 3 years due that "3000 pound gorilla" LAM from WB which changed their plans for SR, both of which they still can't talk about. Seeing as how the RPG's are still tentative and don't seem like they'll be available anytime soon I'm sure they'll continue to talk about that also. Maybe next year they'll be closer to releasing the 25th Anniversary Soundtrack too. It really boggles my mind how HG could totally screw themselves over with a property that'd be an easy money maker like all the other nostalgic 80s shows. It still makes no sense to say "we don't want to make too much money from Robo Tech now when we might be able to make tons of money in a decade." Why can't use market a franchise to make as much money as possible now allowing it to make even more money in the future? You wouldn't have to even sacrifice the quality and types of products just to make a quick buck. Oh wait, HG already did that with the Robo Tech wristbands and wallet.
  24. You must be joking - there's so many tentative Robo Tech items in the pipeline. Seriously though, the fact that Alto - I mean ALDO, has a site saying the LAM is due in 2011 should be the final piece of evidence that the LAM is doomed. Kind of interesting that all of us remember HG saying the LAM was expected around 2011 back when the project was first released, only to find out we all misheard what was said as McKeevie now says an expected date was never mentioned. I wonder how he would spin this revelation...
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