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Everything posted by ps99042

  1. Cheetara's figure look kind out of proportion though...
  2. Not the biggest fan of the Freedom but the Metal Build looks impressive!
  3. Called in "sick" to finally find the time to watch this. Definitely a great production though I think I need to rewatch the 1st movie to fully appreciate everything in the 2nd. Still, the final 3rd of the film was just ridiculous in terms of eye candy and it really brought out some great characterization. My only question now: what do we get next?
  4. True when you look at it that way but episode 1 was only $35 shipped when it was 1st released compared to being $60 for later releases even though they are slightly discounted at initial release.
  5. I did the same just cause the fold out artwork was beautiful. Then I went to Taiwan and they started publishing the old Gundam Official Files. Are they that different? So far they look similar other than new artwork in the Perfect File, but the Taiwan printing is 50% of the Japanese version at least in terms of US dollars.
  6. What's up with the Gundam AGE Android Mode?
  7. Just finished watching episode 4 and it was ridiculously AWESOME! The action scenes made me buy some Gundam swag today even though I didn't need it. Just wish the Blu-Rays were a bit more reasonable in price but I guess the 2 episode DVDs are good enough.
  8. I'm glad I didn't pick it up then since I saw it today and was holding it until I saw even more stuff to buy. I guess I'm waiting for the collected manga volume unless they start throwing in Macross freebies...
  9. This is actually a great point Jason. HG and McKeevie, specifically, are always bragging about how the Masterpiece toys always sold out but it's important to point out that those toys never completed their production runs - point they always ignore when it's brought up. One of my toy dealer friends told me that this is compounded by George Sohn (spelling ?) of Toynami. He often states that toys are only available in limited quantities which causes the price to go up, only to miraculously pull out more pieces than he stated were available. Thus, you have a franchise which is being screwed over by it's employees as well as a licensee, both of which keep it from attaining greatness.
  10. I was thinking the same thing. These eps are starting to get a little stale even though I get how they're being used to help develop Lion-O as a leader. But they really need to change up the intensity with a Mummra/mutant episode periodically. Otherwise, maybe we could meet some other refugee Thundercats?
  11. That's the same question I ask myself? Not the 25th Anniversary anymore so why even put that in the logo? I'm just curious to see if there's new art since the promo pic has an old Tommy pic of Zor and we've seen the same few Tommy pics done on multiple products over the years.
  12. Can we say Toynami is releasing their versions when only prototypes were shown and there's no release date? Moreover, look how long it took them to release their latest Battlepod.
  13. Tommy must have been so relieved to see Richard walk in as his arrival helped distract fans from asking about the current and future states of the franchise. Not like there were that many fans in the room it appears.
  14. Well, you HAVE to expect Toynami to milk a mold like every other company.
  15. He also insinuated this at San Diego ComicCon after the "success" of SC even though he might not of said it specifically (though I still think he did since it's not on tape). I don't even remember when McKeevie became such a vocal, "integral" part of Robotech as I never used to notice him on the panel despite his "larger than life" presence.
  16. Can the economy really be delaying/holding production on these toys? This line was supposedly developed BECAUSE of the poor economy as the lower price point was better that the Masterpiece price point. More importantly though, what about the VE-1 and VT-1?
  17. Why does it have to say "Robotech" on it?
  18. Why the heck does Tommy look so uncomfortable and just confused at the mic? It's pretty much the same presentation they always give. Curious that he says the Glaug is coming soon when the light artillery pod took have a year to make it to the US after being produced and ready for sale. "Soon" is probably a couple years from now.
  19. finally caught up all the episodes to date and I really like the mecha designs and the character designs overall are ok. the storyline is ok and i'm is keeping me relatively interested but it's still no Gundam Unicorn.
  20. yui1107 just ruined Gundam Age for me...
  21. What else would you expect from member of rt.com? It's probably McKeevie, Memo, or Mav. Can we even include the rt novels in any discussion since HG ignores them too?
  22. WTF? This outline is utter crap! There are so many problems with the general events and reused ideas I can't even begin to list them. To answer jasonc's question if leaking this actually helped Robotech: hard to say. On the one hand, no one will have to suffer watching this so Robotech won't be tarnished by this potential production. On the other hand, since no one can watch this, Tommy's postion at HG and regarding Robotech is secure so the franchise is still screwed.
  23. I believe the street date for the Prime toys is sometime during the 1st week of December but I'm sure some stores will throw them out a week early.
  24. WOW! so nice...can i have it? just kidding! Great job though! Can't wait seek to Fuke.
  25. Saw this too but with a baby girl on the way I'm forced to pass this easily though I was hoping to see some Bandai Hi-Metals listed. Still, the Yamato SDF-1 isn't too bad a deal but I need a stroller first.
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