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Everything posted by isamu_dyson

  1. recent reports from japan told that rhadamanthis's stocks had not last more than 1 or 2 days ... Bandai have been forced to boost the production. Here in france it's a hit, and bandai france is about to release the all MC serie. (we are waiting for the planning).
  2. deathmask and Muu are on preorder on HLJ http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN931654 http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN931655
  3. Yep i've notice that too, They have changed the body, it look like more articulated than the old one. Personnaly I have the 5 Golds (leo, aquarius, virgo, sagittarius and capricorn) , from japan, and 1 seiya, in french version (french version = japan version with a french sticker on the bottom onf the box and sold in france we're lucky here ), and i can't wait to have the libra .
  4. O_o 're U sure that we're talking of the same thing ? lol just kidding looks great can't wait to have mine
  5. If Bandai planed to make the armor of the poseidon or asgard serie, it gonna rocks some of them are far beautiful than the gold ones. my selection (before Libra): 1) Aquarius 2) Leo 3) Capricorn 4) Sagittarius 5) Virgo edit: The first image of the upcoming cancer (april):
  6. nobody is thinking about making a 1/1 sized valkyrie
  7. a new picture with libra, rhadamenthis and seiya bronze final version :
  8. i've just received mine from HLJ ... no crooked skull or seat, no missing parts, but only a loose head
  9. 2 pictures of the libra: figure weapons
  10. Look at the page 13 there're also some close ups
  11. MP-02 ultra magnus is early birded on HLJ ...
  12. Mine just left HLJ
  13. i've just checked mine, and no melting or degradation traces on the shoulders, crown or hairs ... like Valkryie 13 I keep them away from heat and direct sunlight.
  14. I don't have this problem either...
  15. some close ups for rhadamanthys : and for seiya (we can almost see the armor)
  16. HLJ is in japan not HK i live in france so i can't tell You for US market , sorry. Here i've found one, but at 220€ (about $295)
  17. still in stock at HLJ .
  18. we already have capricorn, rhadamanthis, libra and final bronze pegasssus to "worry" about for the next one (gold cloth) we 'll see in time, when it'll be confirmed !! Capricorn is scheduled for mid december (december 31th for HLJ, according to the note on the capricorn page). can't wait to have it (i'm capricorn ).
  19. It's the final BRONZE version ... not the final version. so it can't be the kamui (god cloth). The parts are metal and plastic. for exemple: leo, the legs and arm parts are metal, the shoulders are plastic, the torso is metal, the chest is plastic, the belt is plastic and metal .....
  20. The golds saints are greats... there are only 4 out (leo, aquarius, virgo and sagittarius). Each gold saint is about 17cm tall (about 6.69 inches). But rhadamanthis'll be taller i think In december we'll have the capricorn , in january rhadamanthis, in february libra, and march pegasus bronze final version. According to the manga it looks like this: anyway you can compare the Myth clothes with the old figures (back in 88) First: leo http://florent.delage.free.fr/aiola.jpg http://florent.delage.free.fr/aiolados.jpg http://florent.delage.free.fr/aiolaportearmure.jpg Aquarius: http://florent.delage.free.fr/camuface.jpg http://florent.delage.free.fr/camusdos.jpg http://florent.delage.free.fr/camusporteur.jpg Virgo: http://florent.delage.free.fr/Shakka2.JPG http://florent.delage.free.fr/Shakka1.JPG Sagittarius: http://florent.delage.free.fr/aioros1.jpg http://florent.delage.free.fr/aioros2.jpg
  21. I only have my models in boxes, don't have time to make them
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