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Everything posted by Weltall

  1. Yeah too bad, but here's how they would have sorta looked.
  2. I dunno if i'll repaint it myself or wait for Takara to do it.
  3. Starscream isn't in scale with Prime, but it looks like it will be able to stand eye to eye with a 1/48.
  4. Is it just me or does the Knight Justice have green on the sides of the chest in the close up?
  5. Weltall

    1/48 Jetfire

    I am thinking about this, but the red I used is different than the the heatshield's stock red. Anyone have tips on how to paint a heatshield? It's more G1 style IMO , but Zoom Zoom's are instructionally correct. Yamato doesn't sell TV packs seperately I don't think, but if they did i would have used those instead.Anyways, thanks for all the feedback, I didn't think it would get this much attention.
  6. Weltall

    1/48 Jetfire

    Almost done with this, I just need some autobot symbols and paint over the black line on the sides of the fuselage. Ps. I know I suck at taking pictures. Where it belongs.
  7. Gunota has a 2 pics up of the Destiny gundam lineart.
  8. Is that MSIA orange Blaze Slash Zaku just a place holder for the Gouf Ignited, or is there not going to be a Gouf Ignited?
  9. Invincible Robot Lab
  10. You can't show this and not explain how to get a set. And can the antenae fit in truck mode?
  11. Is it only new wings for wing 0? And are there pre-orders anywhere for that or the strike yet?
  12. So that's today, anyone overseas going to look for the 1J? And please PICS!!!
  13. Awesome! Will his visor have the grey outline or not?
  14. This one was Rick the Hunter's. I wanted to do this with a 1/48 but my painting skills suck.
  15. Less yellow
  16. It has no problem holding the 1/48, but since it's only one vertical pole, the gunpod has to be a little off. But it's strange that the stand was designed for armada Unicron, but when I used it for him the pole bent and would have fell if I didn't catch it. So if you do get one don't put anything as heavy as unicron on it. <_<
  17. hey weltall where'd you get that cool stand for that 1/48 in fighter mode???? Yeah it's the stand for Unicron, It ain't as sturdy as sithlord's but i'm not worried.
  18. Just thought I'd throw this in here.
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