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Everything posted by Wurz

  1. i usually grab the 1440x1080 and play it on a 42" HDTV using my PS3... ahhh the pretty colors...
  2. was there preview night... finally got my 1/48 fast packs for my VF-1S Hikki... was holding off but the sight of it made me buy it *curse u impulse buying* will be back on Saturday and Sunday. Can't get off of work lol... What a waste of a Professional Pass... >.<
  3. lol... i like it...
  4. i need to change all my Sheryl Nome votes now... :ph34r:
  5. VF-19A VFX 2 Ravens scheme ftw!
  6. Random Uraga Carrier # 7 Captain... or Random NUNS pilot # 14... or Battle 25 captain cuz I'm doing nothing and everyone (in this forum) knows it... XD
  7. Let me be a guy and say this. Sheryl is smoking hawt!!! :ph34r:
  8. Battle 25 is a waste of tax payers money!!!
  9. HOLY!!! hahaha This was so awesome!
  10. was there on friday and saturday. Only a handful of macross love from what I have seen. sigh... Saw a couple of people dress up thou... Alto, Michael and Luca and Sheryl and Ranka...
  11. A Photo I took from a Cosplayer at Anime Expo XD Edit: Couple more...
  12. Thanks. I have 2 stealth's actually... The 1st one's backpack broke... T_T Kudos to Kevin Valk-Exchange for getting me my 2nd one...
  13. OMG... that made my day... LOLZ@
  14. Looking at it now, yeah... It had the single head lazer thou making it look a bit like the YF-19... ^^
  15. so wheres the rest of the galaxy fleet?
  16. anyone noticed the VF-27's head looks like the YF-19's? And Man I wish I had those bullets on the VB-6 when I was playing VFX-2... Would have been a whole different ballgame on those missions...
  17. I had that dream too but it involved Michael's/ Mikhail's VF-25 with the long range pack and it involved "grappling hook stable sniper platform" action.
  18. wait, wait the 19 is up ahead by one now... whoot!
  19. wow the 19 caught up with the 21/22.
  20. I AGREE 100% with spaceace. UC is the bomb anything else is meh I shut down and just watch the fancy robots blow other robots up with big guns, missles and even BIGGER guns. (and the occasional sword, knife fights) but yeah I love everything about Macross, kinda half hearted with Macross II thou but that's just me. Macross FTW!
  21. yup the armor was present in VFX-2. Honestly IMO it makes the VF-11 look awesome. But that's just me.
  22. don't forge the heavy armor... We can't have a vf-11 without the armor... but I highly doubt that this will appear any time soon thou... T_T
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